Yellow Yoke Tunic

Published: 17/10/18
Category: Tunics
Hits: 6373
Yellow Yoke Tunic

Size: M


Yarn: 500 g (45% Wool, 55% Acrilic, 380 m per 100 g ball); 1 pair quick knit needles size 2.5 mm (US 1.5). 

Garter st (gst): RS and WS rows K.

Rib Patt: K2, P2 Rib.

Stockinette stitch (St st): K on RS, P on WS.

Zig-zag Pattern: 

Work according to chart 1. Only RS rows are shown.

On WS rows, work all sts as they appear.

Cable Pattern: 

Work according to chart 2. Only RS rows are shown. 

On WS rows, work all sts as they appear.

Repeat rows 1-6 throughout.

Lattice Pattern: 

Work according to chart 3. Only RS rows are shown. 

On WS rows work all sts as they appear, purl yos.

Rep rows 1-4.

Heart Pattern: 

Work according to chart 4. RS and WS rows are shown.

Rep rows 1-10 throughout.

Gauge: 29 sts and 36 rows = 10 x 10 cm.


Cast on 162 sts (160 sts + 2 selv sts) and work 6 rows in gst. 

Divide work into 5 parts (32 sts each) and work in Zig-zag Pattern for 4 cm.

Then work sts of 1st, 3d and 5th parts as foll: 8 patt reps of Cable Pattern, 10 patt reps of Lattice Pattern,  8 patt reps of Cable Pattern, 8 patt reps of Lattice Pattern, 8 patt reps of Cable Pattern, 6 patt reps of Lattice Pattern, then work in Cable Pattern till end.  

Work 2nd and 4th parts in Heart Pattern (5 patt reps), then in St st. 

When work meas 42 cm, beg to dec evenly 6 sts on 1 row (on P stripes) every 1.5 cm.  

When piece measures 52 cm, put aside.


In similar fashion, but work 2nd and 4th parts as 1st, 3d, and 5th parts of back, the rest vice versa.   


Cast on 98 sts and work 6 rows in gst. 

Divide work into 4 parts and work in Zig-zag Pattern for 4 cm.

Put aside. 

Rep for other sleeve.


Slip all sts on circular needle. Place sts of sleeves btw front and back. 

Work in rnds, alternating Cable and Heart Patterns. Cable Pattern should continue throughout back and front. 

Work decs every 1.5 cm, 18 sts on 1 row, evenly spaced across p sts. 

When there is only 1 p st left betw patterns (after approx. 71 cm), beg to work sts of Heart Pattern in Rib Patt, while working sts of Cable Pattern as they appear.

After 4 cm bind off all sts as they appear.

tunic chart

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