Turquoise Pattern-Mix Cardigan

Published: 07/10/14
Category: Cardigans
Hits: 12629
Turquoise Pattern-Mix Cardigan

Size: XS/S


Yarn: 400 g (30% Viscose, 70% Acrylic, 190 m/50 g) col Turquoise; 1 pair quick knit needles size 3 mm, 3 buttons.

Garter st (gst): RS and WS rows K.

Stockinette stitch (St st): work RS rows K and WS rows P.

Reverse stockinette stitch (rev St st): P RS rows; K WS rows.

Cable pattern 1: work foll Chart 1.

Cable pattern 2: work foll Chart 2.

Pattern st 1: work foll Chart 3.

Pattern st 2: work foll Chart 4 (WS rows P).

Pattern st 3: work foll Chart 5 (WS rows P).

Pattern st 4: work foll Chart 6.

Rib Pattern: K1, P1 Rib.


Cast on 134 sts and work 2,5 cm in gst for border.

Cont in pats as foll: 12 sts in St st, 2 sts in rev St st, 4 sts in Cable pat 1, 2 sts in rev St st, 16 sts in Pattern st 1, 2 sts in rev St st, 4 sts in Cable pat 1, 2 sts in rev St st, 14 sts in Pattern st 2, 2 sts in rev St st, k14, 2 sts in rev St st, 14 sts in Pattern st 2, 2 sts in rev St st, 4 sts in Cable pat 2, 2 sts in rev St st, 16 sts in Pattern st 1, 2 sts in rev St st, 4 sts in Cable pat 2, 2 sts in rev St st, 12 sts in St st.

At same time, dec 1 st each side of the Pattern st 1 after every 7 cm 5 times.

When piece measures 40 cm, work over sts of Pattern st 2 in Pattern st 4, working the rep 2 time, 2 sts rev St st between them.

At same time, for the Armhole Shaping, bind off 4 sts at beg of the next 2 rows, dec 1st each side every row 4 times, then each side on every 2nd row 3 times.

Work even for 12 cm.

For the Neck Shaping, bind off the center 38 sts and working both sides at once with separate balls of yarn, bind off from each neck edge 1 st 5 times.

Bind off rem sts each side for shoulders.

Right Front:

Cast on 76 sts and work 2,5 cm in gst, work inside 10 edge sts in Rib Pat.

Cont in pats as foll: 10 sts in Rib Pat, 2 sts in rev St st, 4 sts in Cable pat 2, 2 sts in rev St st, 10 sts in Pattern st 3, 2 sts in rev St st, 4 sts in Cable pat 2, 2 sts in rev St st, 16 sts in Pattern st 1, 2 sts in rev St st, 4 sts in Cable pat 1, 2 sts in rev St st, 12 sts in St st.

Work Side Shaping and Armhole Shaping same as for Back.

At same time, with begin Armhole Shaping work over sts of Patten st 3 in Pattern st 4.

Also, at same time, with begin Armhole Shaping over 10 sts of the border (10 sts Rib Pat) work 1 buttonhole (k2tog, yo).

Next 2 buttonholes work every 6 cm.

After 11 cm from dec Armhole, for the Neck Shaping, bind off inside 18 sts and then dec 1 st, 4 sts, 1 st, 3 sts, 1 st, 2 sts, 1 st of every row.

Work 2 rows even and bind off rem sts for shoulder.

Left Front:

Work in reverse of Right Front, reversing pattern row placement.


Cast on 106 sts and work 2,5 cm in gst.

Cont in pats as foll: 6 sts in St st, 2 sts in rev St st, 4 sts in Cable pat 2, 2 sts in rev St st, 14 sts in Pattern st 2, 2 sts in rev St st, 4 sts in Cable pat 2, 2 sts in rev St st, 14 sts in Pattern st 1, 2 sts in rev St st, 4 sts in Cable pat 1, 2 sts in rev St st, 14 sts in Pattern st 3, 2 sts in rev St st, 4 sts in Cable pat 1, 2 sts in rev St st, 6 sts in St st.

At same time, dec 1 st each side of the Pattern st 1 after every 7 cm 4 times = 16 sts dec'd.

When piece measures 30 cm from beg, work over sts of Patterns st 2 and 3 in Pattern st 4, working the rep 2 time, 2 sts rev St st between them.

Work in pats for 5 cm more, for the Cap Shaping, bind off 4 sts at beg of the next 2 rows, dec 1 st each side 4 times, then each side every 2nd row 5 times, every 3rd row 2 times, every 2nd row 3 times, at beg of the next 2 rows 3 times, bind off each side 2 sts, 1 st, 3 sts, 1 st, 4 sts, 1 st.

Bind off rem sts on next row.


Sew shoulder seams.

For the Collar Shaping, pick up 93 sts evenly around neck edge (except for sts Rib Pat) and work in pats as foll: 8 sts in Rib Pat, 2 sts in rev St st, 4 sts in Cable pat 1, 2 sts in rev St st, 61 sts in Rib Pat, 2 sts in rev St st, 4 sts in Cable pat 2, 2 sts in rev St st, 8 sts in Rib Pat.

Set in sleeves, sew side and sleeve seams.

Sew on buttons.


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