Tunic in Lace Pattern

Published: 12/12/18
Category: Tunics
Hits: 8087
Tunic in Lace Pattern

tunic Size: M


Yarn: 100 g of Fine Mohair, 300 g of Polyacrylic Cotton; 1 pair quick knit needles size 3 mm (US 2.5), crochet hook size 3 (US C), buttons and satin ribbon.

Work with 2 strands of mohair and cotton held tog.

Upper part consists of back and two fronts. 

For back, cast on 81 sts (= selv st + 72 sts (= 9 patt reps over 8 sts) + 7 sts + selv st). Work 25 cm in patt acc to chart 1 and bind off sts. 

For one front, cast on 42 sts (= selv st + 40 sts (= 5 patt reps over 8 sts) + selv st). Work acc to chart 2 and bind off sts. 

Work other front in reverse.

Sew seams of pieces. Leave 18 cm for sleeves.

Lower part:

Pick up 153 sts + 2 selv sts along lower edge of fronts and back = 155 sts. 

Then work as foll: selv st + 9 sts (right edge acc to chart 3) + 128 sts (= 8 x 16 patt reps acc to chart 3) + 16 sts (left edge acc to chart 4) + selv st.

Work 72 rows and bind off sts using crochet hook as foll: slip 3 sts and work sc (single crochet), ch 3 + 1 picot + ch 3, slip 3 sts again and work sc, and so on.


Cast on 58 sts (= selv st + 56 sts (= 7 patt reps over 8 sts) + selv st). Work acc to chart 1.

Cap Shaping: After 18 cm bind off 8 sts at each end. 

Repeat throughout until all sts have been bound. 


Sew seams of pieces and set in sleeves. 

Work 1 rnd crab st around all edges of pieces. Work 4 sc betw bobbles.   

Sew on buttons and adorn with satin ribbon.

jpgChart 1, 2 and pattern

jpgChart 3

jpgChart 4

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