Pattern Mix Pullover

Published: 08/02/18
Category: Pullovers
Hits: 7772
Pattern Mix Pullover

Sises: 6/8, 10/12, 14/16 (US 2/4, 6/8, 10/12).

No. of sts for size 10/12 (US 6/8) is shown in parentheses; for size 14/16 (US 10/12) in double parentheses.

If only one no. specified, it refers to all of 3 sizes. 

Length (approx.): 56 (57) ((58)) cm.


Yarn: 400 (450) ((500)) g (70% Viscose, 30% Silk, yardage = 125 m/50 g); quick knit needles sizes 3 and 3.5-4 mm (US 2.5 and 4-6).

Garter st (gst) with 3 mm needles: k every row.

Rib Pattern with 3 mm needles: alt K2, P2 Rib.

Lace Pattern 1 with 3.5-4 mm needles: even no. of sts.

Work 1st row according to chart.

On WS rows, work all sts and yos P.

Rep rows 1 and 2.

Lace Pattern 2 with 3.5-4 mm needles: multiple of 3 + selv st.

Work according to chart.

On WS rows, work all sts and yos P.

Repeat Rows 1-4 throughout.

Lace Pattern 3 with 3.5-4 mm needles: multiple of 6 + 1 + selv st.

Work according to chart.

On WS rows, work all sts and yos P.

Rep rows 1 and 2.

Lace Pattern 4 with 3.5-4 mm needles: multiple of 4 + 3 + selv st.

Work according to chart.

On WS rows work all sts as they appear, purl yos.

Repeat Rows 1-8 throughout.

Stockinette stitch (St st) with 3.5-4 mm needles: Work RS rows K and WS rows P.

Pintuck with 3.5-4 mm needles:

Rows 1-4: St st.

Row 5 (RS): selv st, * slip 1 st, from WS insert needle into horizontal strand 4 rows below and slip onto LH needle, then work skpo.   

Row 6: Purl.

Schematic highlights pintucks light-grey.


21 sts and 30 rows = 10 x 10 cm over St st with 3.5 mm needles.


The 4 rows of pintuck are not considered in the calculations.

23 sts and 35 rows = 10 x 10 cm over Rib Patt with 3 mm needles.


Using 3 mm needles, cast on 104 (116) ((128)) sts.

Work 3 rows in gst, then work in Rib Patt beg with 1st RS row: selv st, * K2, P2, rep from *, end with K2 and selv st.

After 8 rows in Rib Patt switch to 3.5-4 mm needles and work 14 rows in Lace Pattern 1, pintuck (= 6 rows), 12 rows in Lace Pattern 2, pintuck, 2 rows in St st. Inc 1 st on 2nd row = 105 (117) ((129)) sts. 

Work 8 rows in Lace Pattern 3, pintuck, 6 rows in St st, pintuck, 30 rows in St st, 28 (30) ((32)) rows in Lace Pattern 4, but for raglan slant, after 10th row of Lace Pattern (= approx. 36 cm of overall length), at each end bind off 3 (5) ((7)) sts once and dec 2 sts once and 1 st 7 (8) ((9)) times on every 2nd row = 81 (87) ((93)) sts.   

In addition, knit 2 center sts tog on last WS row = 80 (86) ((92)) sts.

Switch to 3 mm needles and work in Rib Pattern: selv st, skpo, work Rib Patt until last 3 sts, K2tog, selv st = 78 (84) ((90)) sts. 

Work the same decs on every 2nd row 16 (18) ((20)) times more.

After last dec of raglan, bind off rem 46 (48) ((50)) sts.


Work same as back but for raglan slant rep decs from Rib Patt only 14 (16) ((18)) times.

After last dec of raglan, bind off rem 50 (52) ((54)) sts.

Left sleeve:

Using 3 mm needles, cast on 56 (60) ((64)) sts. Work 3 rows in gst, then work in Rib Patt beg with 1st RS row: selv st, * K2, P2, rep from *, end with K2 and selv st.

On Row 8 of Rib Patt, inc 0 (2) ((4)) sts = 56 (62) ((68)) sts.

After 8 rows of Rib Patt, switch to 3.5-4 mm needles. Beg with Lace Pattern 2 and, at the same time, for sleeve shaping, at each end inc 1 st 10 times on every 8th row (1 st 11 times on every 6th row) ((1 st 12 times on every 6th row)) = 76 (84) ((92)) sts.

Work 12 rows in Lace Pattern 2, pintuck, 2 rows in St st, 8 rows in Lace Pattern 3, pintuck, 6 rows in St st, pintuck, 30 rows in St st and inc 1 st on last row = 77 (85) ((93)) sts. 

Work 28 (30) ((32)) rows in Lace Pattern 4, but for raglan slant, after 10 rows = approx. 31 cm of overall length, at each end bind off 3 (5) ((7)) sts once, then dec 2 sts once and 1 st 7 (8) ((9)) times on every 2nd row = 53 (55) ((57)) sts.

Switch to 3 mm needles and work in Rib Pattern: selv st, skpo, work Rib Patt until last 3 sts, K2tog, selv st = 50 (52) ((54)) sts. 

Rep those decs on every 2nd row 16 (18) ((20)) more times at right edge and 14 (16) ((18)) more times at left edge. Bind off 6 sts twice more and 9 (7) ((5)) sts once more. 

Work in reverse for other sleeve.


Join raglan, side and sleeve seams.

pulover chart

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