Long Jacket with Fancy Pattern

Published: 29/10/18
Category: Jackets
Hits: 4249
Long Jacket with Fancy Pattern

jacket Size: XXXL-4XL


Yarn: 1000 g (50% Wool, 50% Acrylic, yardage = 280 m/100 g); 1 pair knit needles and 1 circular needle, both size 4 mm (US 6), 7 buttons.

Stocking stitch (St st): work RS rows K and WS rows P.

Rib Patt: alt K2, P2.

Seed Stitch:

Rows 1 and 3: *K1, P1; rep from *. 

Rows 2 and 4: *P1, K1; repeat from *. 

Repeat Rows 1-4.

Fancy Pattern: 

Work according to chart. Only RS rows are shown.

On WS rows, work all sts and yos P.

Rep rows 1-20 throughout.


over St st: 16 sts and 24 rows = 10 x 10 cm.

Upper Back: 

Using waste yarn, cast on 108 sts and work 2 rows in St st. 

Change to main yarn and work 14 rows in St st. 

Armhole Shaping: On Row 15 from beg, bind off 4 sts at each end, then 4 sts once, 3 sts 3 times, 1 st 3 times on every 2nd row = 68 sts. 

After 38 rows from beg, inc 1 stitch at each end, then 1 st 7 times on every 4th row = 84 sts. 

For shoulder slants, on Row 69 from beg, at each end bind off 8 sts, then on every 2nd row 8 sts twice.

On Row 75 from beg, bind off rem 36 sts each side for shoulders.

Upper Right Front: 

Using waste yarn, cast on 42 sts and work 2 rows in St st.

Change to main yarn and work 14 rows in St st. 

Armhole Shaping: at right end bind off 4 sts, then 4 sts twice, 3 sts 3 times, 1 st 3 times on every 2nd row = 18 sts. 

After 38 rows from beg, at right end inc 1 stitch, then 1 st 7 times on every 4th row = 26 sts. 

Neckline Shaping: On Row 31 from beg, at left end bind off 2 sts = 24 sts. 

For shoulder slants, on Row 69 from beg, at right end bind off 8 sts, then on every 2nd row 8 sts twice. 

On Row 74 from beg, all sts have been used up.

Upper Left Front: Work in reverse.

Integrally-knitted Right Front, Back and Left Front (lower part): 

Join side seams and remove waste yarn. 

Place sts of back and fronts onto circular needle and work 110 rows in Fancy Pattern on all 192 sts.  

For widening, on Row 3 from beg, inc 1 st betw patt reps (31 times), then 1 st 5 times betw patt reps on every 20th row (31 times). 

Work increased sts P = 378 sts. 

On 111th row from beg, bind off all sts.


Cast on 52 sts and work 110 rows in Rib Patt. 

Sleeve Shaping: On Row 5 from beg, at each end inc 1 stitch, then 1 stitch every 2nd row 34 times, 1 stitch every 8th row 4 times = 130 sts.

On 111th row from beg, bind off all sts.


Close shoulder seams.

Sew sleeve seams and set in sleeves.

Band (2 pieces): 

Cast on 34 sts and work 142 rows in Seed Stitch. Then bind off sts.

Sew bands to fronts.


Pick up 80 sts along neck edge (27 sts - Right Front, 26 sts - Back, 27 sts - Left Front) and work 8 rows in Rib Patt. 

Cont to work 21 rows as foll: * 8 sts in Seed Stitch, 10 sts in Rib Patt, rep from * 3 times, 8 sts in Seed Stitch. 

Collar Shaping: On Row 11 from beg, inc 1 st in each purl stripe, then 1 st on 15th row in each knit stripe = 100 sts.  

On Row 29 from beg, bind off all sts.

Sew on buttons.

jacket chart

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