Dress with Cables

Published: 05/12/17
Category: Dresses
Hits: 5585
Dress with Cables

dressSizes: 12/14 (US 8/10).


Yarn: 800 g (50% Wool, 50% Acrylic, yardage = 400 m/100 g); 1 pair quick knit needles and one circular needle, both size 3.5 mm (US 4).


Work with 2 strands of yarn held tog throughout.

Garter st (gst): RS and WS rows K.

Cable Pattern: 

Work acc to chart. Only RS rows are shown. On WS rows, work sts as they appear.


Cast on 124 sts and work 6 rows in gst. 

Cont in Cable Pattern. First, work half of patt rep, then 3 full patt reps and another half of patt rep. 

When piece meas 39 cm, beg to work edge 0.5 patt rep in St st.  

When piece meas 49 cm, switch to St st throughout. 

For waist shaping, when piece meas 43 cm from beg, dec 1 st 6 times on every 4th row and 1 st 5 times on every 3rd row.

Then work even for 6 cm and inc 1 st 5 times on every 3rd row. 

For armholes, when piece meas 66 cm, bind off at each end 5 sts once, 3 sts once and 2 sts once on every 2nd row.

When armhole meas 14 cm, slip rem 76 sts on holder and put it aside.


Work same as back, but cont to work central patt rep as it appears to the very end.


Cast on 48 sts and work 6 rows in gst. 

Cont as foll: selv st, P6, 8 sts in Cable Pattern, P5, 8 sts in Cable Pattern, P5, 8 sts in Cable Pattern, P6, selv st. 

On WS rows, work all sts as they appear. 

Cont as established for 15 cm. 

Cont to work edge cables in St st. Work central cable as it appears until piece meas 24 cm. 

Then work in St st throughout. 

At the same time shape sleeve slants: at both ends of band inc 12 sts evenly across the height = 72 sts.

For armholes, when piece meas 42 cm, at both ends bind off 5 sts once, 3 sts once, 2 sts once and 1 st 5 times = 42 sts.

When armhole meas 13 cm, slip sts on holder.


Slip all sts on circular needle. Place sts of sleeves betw front and back. 

Note that there should be a zipper slit on the back. 

Work leftwards back and forth in rnds beg with slit as foll: selv st, K1, P1, K1, P1, 8 sts in Cable Pattern, P6, 8 sts in Cable Pattern, P16, 1 patt rep (in the center of sleeve), P16, 8 sts in Cable Pattern, P4, 8 sts in Cable Pattern, P4, 1 patt rep acc to chart (in the center of front), P4, 8 sts in Cable Pattern, P4, 8 sts in Cable Pattern, P16, 1 patt rep (in the center of sleeve), P16, 8 sts in Cable Pattern, P6, 8 sts in Cable Pattern, P1, K1, P1, K1, selv st.  

On WS rows, work all sts as they appear. 

Work yoke for 17 cm.

For raglan shaping, on each joint of pieces (P16) work 2 sts tog 7 times on every 5th row.  

Then work 5 rows in gst and bind off all sts.


Sew side and sleeve seams. 

Sew zipper into slit on back.

dress chart

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