Double-Breasted Jacket with Placket in Seed Stitch

Published: 17/02/17
Category: Jackets
Hits: 5359
Double-Breasted Jacket with Placket in Seed Stitch

Size: 12 (US 10)


Yarn: 600 g (49% Wool, 51% Acrylic, yardage = 370m / 100g), two circular needles size 4 mm, 8 buttons.

Stocking stitch (St st): Work RS rows K and WS rows P.

Seed Stitch:

Work according to сhart 1. RS and WS rows are shown.

Repeat Rows 1-2 throughout.

Cable Stitch Pattern:

Work according to chart 2 where only RS rows are shown.

On WS rows, work all sts as they appear.

Repeat Rows 1-12 throughout.

Pattern alternation: 4 rows in Seed Stitch, 4 rows in St st, 12 rows in Cable Stitch Pattern.

Jacket is worked in one piece.

Breasts are worked separately.


Cast on 168 sts and work 5 rows in Seed Stitch.

Cont in St st.

For raglan shaping, when piece measures 42 cm from cast on, bind off 6 sts each side and cont separately.

Place sts of fronts on stitch holder.


For raglan shaping, bind off 1st each side every RS row 26 times.

When piece measures 42 cm from cast on, work twice in pattern alternation.

When piece measures 64 cm from cast on, complete work.

Cont working right front sts on holder in St st. For raglan shaping, bind off 1st at the end of every RS row 26 times.

Work pattern alternation same as for back.

When piece measures 64 cm from cast on, bind off sts.

Left Front: Work in reverse.


Cast on 56 sts and work 4 rows in Seed Stitch.

Cont in St st.

Raglan Shaping: When piece measures 50 cm from cast on, bind off each side 1 st 3 times and 1 st 13 times on every other RS row.

Work pattern alternation same as for back.

When piece measures 72 cm from cast on, bind off sts.


Sew sleeve seams and set in sleeves.

Jacket Breast Shaping: Cast on 25 sts and work in Seed Stitch.

Work inside edge even; bind off at outside edge of breast 1 st 10 times on every 8th RS row.

At the same time, work buttonholes evenly spaced.

Placket Shaping: Pick up sts along neckline edge and work 3 cm in Seed Stitch.

Crochet around buttons and sew them on.

jacket chart

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