Cardigan in Fancy Pattern

Published: 24/10/22
Category: Cardigans
Hits: 2858
Cardigan in Fancy Pattern

Cardigan in Fancy Pattern

Size: 10 (US 8)


Yarn: 700 g (100% Acrylic, yardage = 240 m/100 g), 1 pair quick-knit needles size 5mm (US 8) and 1 pair quick-knit needles size 6mm (US 10), 5 buttons, 25 mm diameter.

Rib Pattern: K1, * P1, K1, repeat from * to end of row.

Fancy Pattern:

Work according to chart. RS rows and WS rows are shown with RS of work facing.

Begin with 1 edge st and sts before patt rep, work patt rep throughout, end with sts after patt rep and 1 edge st.


in Fancy Pattern with 6 mm needles: 20 sts and 22 rows = 10 x 10 cm.


With US 8 (5 mm) needles cast on 103 sts and work in Rib Pattern.

After 8 cm from beg, change to needles size US 10 (6 mm) and work in Fancy Pattern.

For the Armhole Shaping, after 40 cm from beg, bind off at each end 4 sts, then on every 2nd row 2 sts twice.

When piece measures 60 cm from beg, bind off sts.

cardiganRight front:

With US 8 (5 mm) needles cast on 60 sts and work in Rib Pattern.

Work 5 buttonholes as foll: for each buttonhole, bind off 2 sts and on the foll row cast on 2 sts.

Work the first buttonhole after 6 sts at right edge and after 3 cm from beg, work the following buttonholes every 9 cm.

After 8 cm from beg, change to needles size 6mm (US 10) and work as foll: 45 sts in Fancy Patt and 15 sts in Fancy Patt. 

After 38 cm from beg, shift the border to the left, for this on every 2nd row (increase 1 st of Rib Patt and decrease 1 st of Fancy Patt) 14 times.

For the Armhole Shaping, after 40 cm from beg, bind off 4 sts at left edge, then on every 2nd row 2 sts twice.

For the shoulder, after 60 cm from beg, bind off sts of Fancy Patt at left edge, work the border 10 cm more, then bind off sts.

Left Front: Work in reverse.


With US 8 (5 mm) needles cast on 58 sts and work in Rib Pattern.

After 6 cm from beg, change to needles size US 10 (6 mm) and work in Fancy Pattern.

For the sleeve shaping, at each end increase 1 stitch every 6th row 12 times.

For the Cap Shaping, after 40 cm from beg, bind off at each end 3 sts, then on every 2nd row 2 sts twice and 1 st 14 times.

When piece measures 57 cm from beg, bind off sts.


Close shoulder seams.

Sew the back seam of the border.

Sew the border to the neckline of the back.

Set in sleeves, working a fold to adjust the armhole.

Sew sleeve seams.

Sew on buttons.

cardigan chart

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