Boys' Knitset: Hat and Pullover

Published: 04/09/18
Hits: 6792
Boys' Knitset: Hat and Pullover

knitset Size: 104/110 (Age: 5 y/o.)

Head circumference: 50 cm


Yarn: 300 g (100% Acrylic, yardage = 300 m/100 g); one pair quick knit needles and one circular needle, both size 2.5 and 3 mm (US 1.5 amd 2.5).

Rib Patt: alt K1, P1 Rib.

Cross-Welt Pattern: alt 2 rows in St st, 2 rows in Rev St st.

Fancy Pattern: Multiple of 11 + 2 selv sts.

Work according to chart. Only RS rows are shown.

On WS rows work all sts as they appear.

Repeat Rows 1-32 throughout.



over Fancy Pattern: 29 sts and 34 rows = 10 x 10 cm.


Cast on 100 sts and work 3 cm (16 rows) in Rib Pattern. On the last row inc 2 sts = 102 sts.

Cont in Fancy Pattern as foll: selv st, rep patt 9 times, P1, selv st. 

Cont until work meas 24.5 сm = 80 rows from band. For raglan, bind off 6 sts at each end, and dec 1 st at each end on every 2nd row.

After 128 rows (= 32 rows x 4 row reps) from band, bind off rem sts.


Work like back, but with deeper neckline.

When piece measures 32 cm = 118 rows from band, bind off center 22 sts and complete both sides separately.

Cont to work raglan at both ends.

For rounding at inside edge bind off 3 sts once, 2 sts twice and 1 st once.


Cast on 44 sts and work 16 rows in Rib Pattern. On the last row inc 1 st = 45 sts.

Continue in Fancy Patt.

Sleeve Shaping: at each end inc 1 st acc to chart.

After 80 rows from band, start to work Cross-Welt Patt. Beg with WS row.

For raglan, after 84 rows from band, at each end bind off 6 sts and dec 1 st acc to chart.

After 132 rows, bind off remaining 23 sts.

knitset Finishing:

Join raglan seams.

With circular needle, pick up sts evenly around neck edge and purl 1 rnd, then knit 3 rnds from RS and knit 3 rnds from WS.

Join sts of both circular needles and work in Rib Patt in rnds.

Sew side and sleeve seams.

After 16 rnds bind off sts as they appear.


Cast on 132 sts and work 12 rows in Rib Pattern, 2 rows in Rev St st and then again 12 rows in Rib Patt. On the last row inc 2 sts = 134 sts.

Cont in Fancy Pattern as foll: selv st, rep 11-st patt 12 times, selv st. 

After 48 rows from band, cont in St st. To shape top of hat at peak of triangle, K2tog.

Then work that stitch kwise tog with prev st on each row. 

Pull yarn through rem 14 sts and weave in ends. 

Sew back seam.

With circular needle, pick up sts evenly around lower edge of hat and work in St st.

After 48 rows work top of hat as established.

For ear flaps, after 12 sts from back seam, pick up 26 sts from RS and WS on sts of Rev st st and work in St st. Dec 1 st on each row at both ends, working RS and WS as foll: at one end K2tog, at other end 1 skpo.  

Work I-cord on rem 4 sts with desired length.

Rep for other ear flap.

If desired, one can work bobble and sew at top of hat.

Men's pullover in same pattern:

jpgChart Back

jpgChart Front

jpgChart Sleeve

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