Honeycomb Stitch Knitting Pattern

Published: 09/01/23
Hits: 2884
Honeycomb Stitch Knitting Pattern

Honeycomb Stitch Knitting Pattern

How to knit Honeycomb Stitch:

Multiple of 24 sts + 2 + 2 edge sts.

Cast on 28 sts (24 + 2 + 2 edge sts) and work according to сhart.

The chart shows only RS rows.

On WS rows, work all sts as they appear or work according to chart key.

The pat rep = 24 sts.

1 st in garter stitch (gst): Purl all rows

2-st RT: knit 2nd st without dropping from LH needle, knit first, drop both sts from LH needle together

2-st LT: knit 2nd st from behind without dropping from LH needle, knit first, drop both sts from LH needle together

Cable Stitch for Border:

Multiple of 4 sts + 2 + 2 edge sts.

Row 1: edge st, * 2-st LT, p2, repeat from * to last 3 sts, 2-st LT, edge st.

Row 2: work each stitch as it appears on this side of work (knit the k sts and purl the p sts).

Repeat these 2 rows for pat.

Honeycomb Stitch:

Row 1: edge st, * 2-st LT, p1, 2-st RT, 2-st LT, 2-st RT, 2-st LT, p1, 2-st LT, p2, gst6, p2, repeat from * to last 3 sts, 2-st LT, edge st.

Row 2 and all even-numbered rows: work all sts as they appear or work according to chart key.

Row 3: edge st, * 2-st LT, p1, 2-st LT, 2-st RT, 2-st LT, 2-st RT, p1, 2-st LT, p2, k6, p2, repeat from * to last 3 sts, 2-st LT, edge st.

Repeat Rows 1-4 throughout.

Video: https://youtu.be/en-1mmpd9VM

checker stitch 24 chart

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