Half Brioche Stitch and Arch hole pattern
Published: 07/10/21
Category: Full Patent and Brioche Stitch
Hits: 6678
Half Brioche Stitch and Arch hole pattern
How to knit Half Brioche Stitch and Arch hole pattern for jacket:
Multiple of 20 + 7 + 2 selvage sts.
Cast on 29 sts and work according to сhart.
RS rows and 1 WS row are shown.
Row 0: Wrong Side.
Rows 2, 4 , 6 , 8, 10, 12: work as for Row 0.
The pat rep = 20 sts wide (work 7 sts in Half Brioche Stitch and 13 sts in Arch hole pattern).
Begin with 1 selv st (edge), work patt rep throughout, end with 7 sts after patt rep and 1 selv st.
Work rows 0-12 once, then repeat rows 1-12 throughout.