White Tunic Sweater in Cable Pattern

Published: 03/03/19
Category: Sweaters
Hits: 7635
White Tunic Sweater in Cable Pattern

Size: L-XL


Yarn: 600 g (15% Camel, 25% Wool, 60% Acrylic, yardage = 204 m/100 g); one pair quick knit needles and one circular needle, both size 3 mm (US 2.5); one short needle size 3 mm, 4 markers, one seaming needle.

Stockinette stitch (St st): Work RS rows K and WS rows P.

Work top down in rnds without seams.

With circular needle, cast on 130 sts, knit 1 row, and join to work in rnds. 

Cont as foll: 4 st for raglan (cable, chart 1), 1 yo, 19 sts for sleeve, 1 yo, 4 sts for raglan, 1 yo, 36 sts for back, 1 yo, 4 sts for raglan, 1 yo, 19 sts for sleeve, 1 yo, 4 sts for raglan, 1 yo, 40 sts for front, 1 yo.

Work back and sleeves in St st. Work front as foll: P1, K8 (cable 4x4, chart 2), P1, 20 sts for central cable (chart 3), P1, K8 (cable 4x4), P1 = 40 sts.

Work yo along raglan line on every 2nd row. On foll row, work yo K tbl so as to avoid holes.  

Cont to work inc'd sts into patt.

After 20 rows, cont in pats as foll: P2, 2 sts of Lace Panel (chart 4), P2, 9 sts of cable acc to chart 5, P2, 2 sts of Lace Panel, P2, 8 sts of cable acc to chart 2, P1, 20 sts of central cable acc to chart 3, P1, 8 sts of cable acc to chart 2, P2, 2 sts of Lace Panel, P2, 9 sts of cable acc to chart 5, P2, 2 sts of Lace Panel, P2 = 80 sts.

Then work inc'd sts in St st. 

When raglan measures 24 cm from beg, there should be 362 sts on the needle: 120 sts for front, 118 sts for back, 99 sts for each sleeve.

Place sts of sleeves onto holder and work body in rnds.

After 43 cm from armhole, work in Cable Rib Patt acc to chart 6. 

When rib measures 11-12 cm from beg, bind off sts as they appear.


Place sts from holder onto needle and work even to cuff for about 30 cm in St st. 

Cont in Cable Rib Patt acc to chart 6. 

When rib measures 11-12 cm from beg, bind off sts as they appear. 

Sew sleeve seams.


Using circular needle, pick up 160 sts (30 more sts as cables will tighten fabric) evenly around neck edge.

Work alt 6 sts of cable 3x3, P2. 

When piece measures 25-26 cm from beg, bind off all sts loosely.

sweater chart

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