Vest with Lace Cable

Published: 04/12/23
Category: Vests
Hits: 2048
Vest with Lace Cable

Vest with Lace Cable

Size: M (10 (US 6))


Yarn 300 g (50% Wool, 50% Acrylic), 1 circular knit needle size 4mm, one crochet hook size 3mm.

Rib Pattern: * K2, P2, repeat from * throughout.

On WS rows, work all sts as they appear.

Lace Cable Pattern:

Work according to chart. Only Right Side rows are shown.

On Wrong Side rows, work all sts as they appear, purl yo's. 

Repeat Rows 1-8 throughout.


Cast on 64 sts and work 15 cm in Rib Patt for border, increase 1 st on the last WS row = 65 sts.

Continue to work in Lace Cable Pattern.

Side Shaping: increase 1 stitch each side every 8th row 5 times. 

When piece measures 53 cm from beg, bind off all sts.


Work like back, but with deeper neckline.

For the Neck Shaping, after 44 cm from beg, bind off center 12 sts and complete both sides separately. 

For rounding at inside edge, bind off 2 sts every other row twice and 1 stitch 3 times. 

When piece measures 53 cm from beg, bind off all sts.


Sew shoulders and sides seams, leaving 20cm on either side of shoulder seam open for Armhole. 

With crochet hook, work 1 rnd crab st (= sc from left to right) around armholes and neck edge.

vest chart

vest chart

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