Vest with Cables on Shoulders

Published: 26/09/19
Category: Vests
Hits: 6125
Vest with Cables on Shoulders

Size: S


Yarn: 200 g Extrafine (100% Merino Wool, yardage = 175 m/50 g) and 150 g Prestigio (80% Mohair, 20% Nylon, yardage = 245 m/25 g); quick knit needles size 4 and 4.5 mm (US 6 and 7); cable needle.

Always work with two strands of yarn.

Double Rib Pattern: 

With contrasting yarn, cast on half of the necessary number of sts. 

Row 1: With main yarn, work * K1, 1 yo, rep from *. 

Row 2: * Work yo kwise, slip 1 st pwise, with yarn forward, rep from *. 

Row 3 and further rows: * K1, slip 1 st pwise, yarn forward (to the purl position), rep from *.

Unravel contrasting yarn in finished piece.

Rib Patt 1/1 : alt K1, P1.

Stocking stitch (St st): Work RS rows K and WS rows P.

Reverse stocking stitch (Rev St st): Work RS rows P and WS rows K.

Cable A (over 8 sts): 

Row 1: 8-st LC = SI 4 sts to cn and hold to front, K4, K4 from cn.

Row 2 and all further even rows: purl. 

Rows 3, 5, 7 and 9: Knit.

Row 11: Rep from Row 1. 

Cable B (over 8 sts): 

Row 1: 8-st RC = SI 4 sts to cn and hold to back, K4, K4 from cn.

Row 2 and all further even rows: purl. 

Rows 3, 5, 7 and 9: Knit. 

Row 11: rep from Row 1.


19 sts and 29 rows = 10 x 10 cm over St st with 4.5 mm needles.


With 4 mm needles, cast on 81 sts and work 4 rows in Double Rib Patt. Then work in Rib Patt 1/1. 

After 4 cm from cast on, switch to 4.5 mm needles and cont as foll: 9 sts in St st, 1 st in Rev St st, 60 sts in St st, 1 st in Rev St st, 9 sts in St st. 

After 22 cm from rib, alt on every 6th and 8th rows, inc 1 st 6 times at each end after first 10 sts and before last 10 sts. 

After 44 cm from rib, work as foll: selv st, 8 sts in Cable A, 1 st in Rev St st, 73 sts in St st, 1 st in Rev St st, 8 sts in Cable B, selv st. 

After 45 cm from rib, dec 2 sts 3 times on every 6th row and 2 sts 5 times on every 2nd row at each end after first 14 sts and before last 14 sts. 

After 9 cm from beg of decs, place rem 61 sts on cn.


Work like back, but with neckline.

When piece measures 50 cm from rib, place center 15 sts on cn and complete both sides separately.

For rounding at inside edge bind off 3 sts twice and 1 st 3 times on every 2nd row. 

When piece measures 4 cm from beg of neckline, place rem 14 sts each side for shoulders on cn.


Sew one side seam at 28 cm from bottom edge.

Leave next 19 cm (armhole) open and cont to sew seam along shoulder slant to neck.  

For neckband, place sts from cn onto 4 mm needles and pick up sts along neck slant = 111 sts. Work in Rib Patt 1/1.

After 2 cm work 4 rows in Double Rib Patt and bind off all sts using Kitchener stitch.

Sew second side seam and sew neckband edges tog.

vest chart

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