Top with Lace Edging

Published: 12/05/16
Category: Tops
Hits: 5771
Top with Lace Edging

Size: 10/12 (US 8/10).


Yarn: 230 g (60% Cotton, 40% Acrylic, 150 m per 50 g ball); one pair quick knit needles and one circular needle, both size US 00 (1,75 mm), auxiliary needles or stitch holders and crochet hook size 1 mm.  

Stocking stitch (St st): work RS rows K and WS rows P.

Reverse stocking stitch (Rev St st): work RS rows P and WS rows K.

Eyelet Stripes:

Work according to chart 1. Only RS rows are shown.

On WS rows work all sts as they appear, purl yos.

Lace Edging: 

Work according to chart 2. Only oddnumbered rnds are shown. 

On the evennumbered rnds, work all sts K. 

Rows 25-41: work marked rep twice. 


over St st: 22 sts and 29 rows = 10 x 10 cm.

Lower part of Back and Front: 

Using circular needle and waste yarn, provisionally cast on 192 sts. Join for working in rnds. Using main yarn, work 68 Rnds in Eyelet Stripes. 

Cont 38 Rnds in Lace Edging, 1 Rnd K. 

Using crochet hook, bind off sts according crochet chart as foll: enter a hook at the same time into the shown number of sts, stretch through them a thread and make 8 ch.

Upper part of Back and Front: 

Carefully remove waste yarn. 

Using circular needle, pick up 192 sts and work 2 Rows in Rev St st and 10 Rows in St st. 

On Row 13 from pick-up row, divide piece into 4 sections and cont as foll: bind off 13 sts for right armhole, 83 sts for back, bind off 13 sts for left armhole, 83 sts for front.   

Slip front sts on stitch holder. 

Back (over 83 sts): 

Armhole Shaping: On Row 15 from pick-up row, bind off 1 stitch at each end, then dec 1 st each side every other row 3 times = 75 sts.  

Next, work even 30 rows more in St st. 

Neck Shaping: On Row 53 from pick-up row, bind off center 19 sts and 2 sts 3 times on every 2nd row at both neck edges.

On Row 71 from pick-up row, bind off rem 22 shoulder sts on either side. 

Front: Work same as back. 

Neck Shaping: On Row 43 from pick-up row, bind off center 19 sts and 2 sts 3 times on every 2nd row at both neck edges. 

On Row 71 from pick-up row, bind off rem 22 shoulder sts on either side.


Close shoulder seams. 

Using crochet hook, work 1 rnds sc (single crochet) around armholes and neck edges. 

Join row with sl st (slip stitch) to first st.

top chart

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