Sweater with Diagonal Pattern

Published: 22/01/24
Category: Sweaters
Hits: 1354
Sweater with Diagonal Pattern

Sweater with Diagonal Pattern

Size: 14-16 (US 10-12).


Yarn: 480 g (40% Alpaca, 60% Wool, yardage = 300 m/100 g); 1 pair quick-knit needles size 2.5mm, 1 pair quick-knit needles size 3mm.

Stocking stitch (St st): work RS rows K and WS rows P.

Rib Pattern: * K2, P2, repeat from * throughout.

Diagonal Pattern:

Work according to chart. Only RS rows are shown.

On WS rows, work all sts and yo's P.


26 sts and 32 rows = 10 x 10 cm over St st with 3mm needles.

Back and Front:

Using needles size 2.5mm, cast on 118 sts and work 32 rows in Rib Pat for border.

Change to 3mm needles and work 120 rows in St st.

Continue to work 12 rows in Diagonal Pattern.

Raglan Shaping: On Row 163 from beg, bind off 4 sts at each end, then decrease 1 stitch each side every other row 28 times as foll: at beg of row work 1 edge st and K2tog (= knit 2 sts together) ; at end of row work to last 3 sts, skpo (= slip 1 stitch as if to knit, knit 1 and pass the slipped stitch over the knitted stitch), 1 edge st.

On Row 190 from beg, bind off remaining 54 sts.


Using needles size 2.5mm, cast on 64 sts and work 32 rows in Rib Pat for border.

Change to 3mm needles and work 124 rows in St st, increasing 1 st each side every 12th row 10 times.

Continue to work 76 rows in Diagonal Pattern.

Raglan Shaping: On Row 171 from beg, bind off 4 sts at each end, then decrease 1 stitch each side every other row 28 times as foll: at beg of row work 1 edge st and K2tog (= knit 2 sts together); at end of row work to last 3 sts, skpo (= sl 1 st knitwise, k1, pass slipped st over k1), 1 edge st.

On Row 230 from beg, bind off remaining 18 sts.


Sew side seam and join shoulder seams.

Sew raglan and sleeve seams.

Collar: With circular needle size 2.5mm, pick up 118 sts evenly around neck edge and work 64 rows in Rib Pat in rnds. Bind off all sts in rib.

sweater chart

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