Short-sleeved sweater with faux raglan seams

Published: 13/06/10
Category: Sweaters
Hits: 18038
Short-sleeved sweater with faux raglan seams
Sizes: Small, Medium, Large, X-Large.
• Bust 38 (40, 42, 44)"/96.5 (93, 101.5, 107, 112)cm
• Length 18(18, 18 1/2, 18 1/2)"/46(46,47, 47)cm
• 4 (5, 5, 6) 2 1/2 oz/70g balls (each approx 168yd/154m) of Lion Brand Yam Co.
• 1 ball in #98 natural (CC)
• One pair size 4 (3.5mm) needles, OR SIZES TO OBTAIN GAUGE
• Size 4 (3.5mm) circular needle, 16"/40cm long
• Size E/4 crochet hook
• Two 1"/25mm buttons
• Twill tape
• Stitch holder and markers
23 sts and 30 rows = 4"/10cm over St st using size 4 (3.5mm) needles.
Sweater is worked in one piece.
With MC, cast on 109(115, 121, 127) sts. Work in St st for 9 (8 3/4, 9, 9)"/23 (22, 23, 23)cm, end with a WS row. Inc I st each side on next row, then every 4th row twice, then every other row 4 times—123 (129, 135. 141) sts.
Cast on 16 sts at beg of next 2 rows, 11 sts at beg of next 2 rows—177 (183, 189, 195) sts.
Work even until piece measures 18 (18, 18 1/2, 18 1/2)"/46 (46, 47, 47)cm from beg, end with a WS row.
Place marker each end of row for shoulder edge.
Neck shaping and front
Next row (RS) K66 (69, 71, 74) sts, sl next 45 (45,47,47) sts to holder for back neck, join 2nd ball of yarn and k to end.
Working both sides at once, work even for 4 rows.
Next row (WS) Inc 1 st at each neck edge every row 4 times, then cast on 2 sts every other row 4 times, then 3 sts once, end with WS row.
Next row K81 (84, 86, 89) sts of right front, cast on 15 (15, 17, 17) sts for center front, k rem 81 (84, 86, 89) sts of left front — 177 (183, 189, 195) sts.
Work even until straight edge of sleeve measures same as straight edge of back sleeve.
Bind off 11 sts at beg of next 2 rows, 16 sts at beg of next 2 rows.
Dec 1 st each side every other row 5 times, then every 4th row twice — 109 (115, 121, 127) sts.
Work even until front measures 4"/10cm less than back to cast-on edge, end with a WS row.
Shape slit
Next row (RS) K68 (71, 73, 75) sts. join 2nd ball of yam and bind off 1 st, k to end.
Working both sides at once, work even until front measures same as back to cast-on edge.
Bind off sts each side.
Block piece to measurements.
With RS facing, circular needle and CC, pick up and k 35 (35, 36, 36) sts along right front neck, sl 45 (45,47,47) sts from back neck holder, pick up and k 35 (35, 36,36) sts along left front neck. Join and p 8 mds. Bind off loosely.
With RS facing, circular needle, and MC, pick up and k 100 (100, 104, 104) sts along rollband pick-up line. Join and k 7 mds.
Bind off.
Sew side and sleeve seams.
With RS facing, crochet hook, and CC, work 1 round sc along neckband edge, around armhole edges, and along entire bottom edge including slit, AT SAME TIME make 2 button loops evenly along one side of slit to fit buttons.
Faux raglan seams
Position twill tape from underarm to neckband (see photo).
With MC sew tape to front using running stitch along both outside edges of tape.

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