Round Yoke Pullover

Published: 02/01/19
Category: Pullovers
Hits: 3701
Round Yoke Pullover

Sizes: L-XL


Yarn: 350 g (100% Cotton, yardage = 425 m / 100 g); 1 pair quick knit needles and one circular needle, both size 2.5 mm (US 1.5).

Rib Patt: K1, P2 Rib. 

Lace Diamonds with Cables:

Work according to chart 1. Only odd-numbered rnds are shown.

On even-numbered rnds work all sts as they appear, work yos K.

Cable Pattern A:

Work according to chart 2. Only odd-numbered rnds are shown.

On even-numbered rnds, work all sts as they appear.

Repeat Rnds 1-6 throughout.

Cable Pattern B:

Work according to chart 3. Only odd-numbered rnds are shown.

On even-numbered rnds, work all sts as they appear.

Work Rnds 1-8 once, then repeat Rnds 3-8 throughout.

Gauge: 26 sts and 33 rows = 10 x 10 cm.


Back and front are worked to underarms in one piece in rnds. 

Using 2.5 mm circular needle, cast on 280 sts, join to work in rnds as foll: 20 sts in Cable Pattern A, 120 sts in Lace Diamonds, 20 sts in Cable Pattern A, 120 sts in Lace Diamonds.

Work Lace Diamonds with Cables as foll: Rows 1-38 once, Rows 39-78 3 times and Rows 79-104 once.. 

Armhole Shaping: After 55 cm from beg, bind off 12 first sts of Cable Pattern A. Divide work in half (front and back) and place pieces on holder.


Using 2.5 mm needles, cast on 54 sts and work in pat acc to chart 2. 

Sleeve Shaping: Inc 1 stitch alt on every 6th and 8th row 20 times at each end = 94 sts. 

Work new sts acc to patt. 

When work measures 47 cm from beg, bind off 6 sts on either side. 


Transfer sts of sleeve, front and back from holder on circular needle in sequence. 

Join sts to work yoke in rnds: 2 rnds in Cable Pattern A, then cont in Cable Pattern B, repeating Rnds 3-8. 

Work selv sts tog pairwise, then work 2 sts tog on every 2nd row until patt rep has been restored (= 440 sts = 22 patt reps).  

After 4 rows, work P2 tog on each patt rep (patt rep = 19 sts). After 4 rows, work again P2 tog on each patt rep (patt rep = 18 sts).  

Work 11 cm without decs. Then work K1 and P1 tog pwise (patt rep = 8 sts) on each patt rep, and cont to work decs every 6 rows: work P2 tog on each patt rep, work P1 tog with adjacent st kwise on each patt rep, at crisscrossing work 2 center sts tog on each patt rep (then at crisscrossing leave 2 sts at back of work).  

After 6 rows, work 3 cm in Rib Patt, 1 row P and bind off sts kwise. 


Sew sleeve and armhole seams.

pullover chart

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