Pullover with Square Neckline

Published: 13/02/18
Category: Pullovers
Hits: 5419
Pullover with Square Neckline

Sizes: 12/14 (US 8/10).


Yarn: 400 g (100% Mercerized Cotton, yardage = 260 m/100 g); 1 pair quick knit needles size 3.5 mm (US 4).

Rib Patt: K1, P1 Rib.

Leaf Pattern:

Work according to chart. Only odd-numbered rnds are shown.

On even-numbered rnds, work all sts as they appear; work yos K.

On WS rnds, work yos P.

Gauge: 19 sts and 28 rows = 10 x 10 cm.


Work in rnds without side seams as far as armhole.

With circular needle, cast on 168 sts and work in Rib Pattern for 6 rnds. 

Cont in Leaf Pattern (= 6 patt reps). After every 48 rnds, shift pattern in a staggered manner (place 3 central sts of each foll patt rep in the middle between two preceding patt reps). 

Armhole Shaping: After 54 cm from beg, bind off at each end 5 sts once, then divide work in half (front and back - 79 sts each) and work pieces separately.


For armhole rounding at both ends bind off 1 st twice on every 2nd row = 75 sts. 

Neckline Shaping: When work meas 70 cm from beg, place center 45 sts on holder and complete both sides separately. 

When work meas 73 cm from beg, leave 15 shoulder sts open for grafting shoulder seam.  


Work as given for back, but work neckline after 68 cm from beg.


Cast on 33 sts and work 6 rnds in Rib Patt. 

Cont to work in Rev St st. Work 1 patt rep in Leaf Pattern in the middle.

For the sleeve shaping, after 4 cm from beg, inc 1 st on each side on every 2nd row 6 times and on every 4th row 20 times = 85 sts. 

Cap Shaping: When piece measures 43 cm from beg, bind off at each end on every 2nd row 5 sts once, 2 sts 3 times, 8 rnds without decs, 1 st 12 times, 3 sts once, 5 sts twice and rem 13 sts once.

Rep for other sleeve.


Join shoulder seams. 

For neckband, slip open sts back onto circular needle, from RS cast on additionally 17 sts at each side edge of neckline (= 124 sts) and work 1 rnd P, 1 rnd K and 8 rnds in Rib Patt. Work 3 sts tog kwise in corners, with central of 3 sts over.    

Bind off sts on last rnd. 

Sew side seams, sleeve seams and set in sleeves.

pullover chart

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