Pullover with Lace Panels

Published: 19/12/18
Category: Pullovers
Hits: 3273
Pullover with Lace Panels

Size: M


Yarn: 420 g (50% Wool, 50% Acrylic, yardage = 138 m/50 g); 1 pair quick knit needles and one circular needle, both size 1.5 mm.

Reverse stockinette stitch (Rev St st): P on RS rows; K on WS rows.

Rib Pattern A: alt K1, P1 Rib. 

Rib Pattern B: alt * K1 tbl, P1, rep from * twice, K1 tbl.

Lace Pattern: 

Work according to chart 1. Chart shows odd-numbered and even-numbered rows.

Lace Panel: 

Work according to chart 2. Chart shows odd-numbered and even-numbered rows.


in Lace Pattern: 24.5 sts and 31 rows = 10 x 10 cm. 

Integrally-knitted body: 

With 1.5 mm circular needle, cast on 216 sts and join to work in the rnd, then work 2 rnds in Rib Patt A.

Work Rows 3-46 in Lace Pattern.

Beg with Row 47, work Lace Panel.

Armhole Shaping: On Row 131 from beg, work as foll: P2, bind off 11 sts (right armhole), 97 sts of Lace Panel (front), bind off 11 sts (left armhole), 95 sts of Lace Panel (back).

Back (over 97 sts):  

Work in Lace Panel pattern.

Neckline Shaping: On Row 183 from beg, bind off center 35 sts and on either side of them 1 stitch 5 times on every other row.

On Row 199 from beg, bind off rem 26 sts on either side for shoulders.

Front (over 97 sts): 

Work according to Panel chart.

Neckline Shaping: On Row 167 from beg, bind off center 35 sts and on either side of them 1 stitch 5 times on every other row.  

On Row 199 from beg, bind off rem 26 sts on either side for shoulders.


Sew shoulder seam. 

Using 1.5 mm needles, pick up 113 sts along upper edge of body and work as foll: 1 selv st, 1 yo, 3 sts tog, 1 yo, * 18 sts in Lace Panel, rep from * 5 times, 1 selv st. 

Then work 113 rows in Lace Panel pattern and 2 rows in rib, bind off sts. 

On Row 116 from pick-up, bind off all sts.


Sew side and sleeve seams.

Using 1.5 mm circular needle, pick up 220 sts from WS along neckline edge and work 20 rows as foll: * 4 sts in Rev St st, 7 sts in Rib Patt B, rep from * 19 more times. 

On Row 21, bind off all sts.

pullover chart

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