Pullover with Cables

Published: 03/09/19
Category: Pullovers
Hits: 5643
Pullover with Cables

Size: M


Yarn: 400 g (60% Wool, 40% Acrylic, yardage = 190 m/100 g); 1 pair quick knit needles size 4.5 mm (US 7), crochet hook size 3 mm (US C).

Stockinette stitch (St st): Work RS rows K and WS rows P.

Reverse stocking stitch (Rev St st): Work RS rows P and WS rows K.

Cable Patt 1: 

Work 8 rows in St st. On Row 9 (RS), slip 3 sts onto cn, hold at front, K3, then K3 from cn.

Repeat Rows 1-9 throughout.

Cable Patt 2:

Work 8 rows in St st. On Row 9 (RS), slip 3 sts onto cn, hold at back, K3, then K3 from cn.

Repeat Rows 1-9 throughout.

Cable Patt 3: 

Work according to chart. Only RS rows are shown.

On WS rows, work all sts P. 

Gauge: 16.5 sts and 21 rows = 10 x 10 cm.


Cast on 86 sts and work as foll: selv st, 15 sts in Rev St st, 6 sts in Cable Patt 1, 42 sts in Rev St st, 6 sts in Cable Patt 2, 15 sts in Rev St st, selv st. 

When piece measures 10 cm from cast on, beg to dec sts evenly (a total of 12 sts).

To do that, dec 2 sts every 5 cm in 42-st rev st st strip as foll: work last st of Cable 1 and first p st tog, and work last p st and first st of Cable 2 tog.

When piece measures 45 cm from beg, there should be 74 sts on the needle. 

Armhole Shaping: At each end bind off 3 sts once and 1 stitch 3 times = 62 sts. 

Work even for 11 cm.

Neckline Shaping: Bind off center 20 sts and complete both sides separately.

For rounding at inside edge bind off 3 sts 3 times, 2 sts 4 times and rem 4 sts once.


Cast on 92 sts and work as foll: selv st, 15 sts in Rev St st, 6 sts in Cable Patt 1, 12 sts in Rev St st, 6 sts in Cable Patt 1, 12 sts in Rev St st, 6 sts in Cable Patt 2, 12 sts in Rev St st, 6 sts in Cable Patt 2, 15 sts in Rev St st, selv st.;

When piece measures 10 cm from cast on, beg to dec 2 sts alternately in rev st st strip betw Cable 1 and Cable 2 and in rev st st betw Cable 3 and Cable 4 (center strip).

Work decs same as for back, 2 sts 6 times = 80 sts.

Armhole Shaping: When piece meas 45 cm from beg, at each end bind off 3 sts once and 1 stitch 3 times = 68 sts.

Neckline Shaping: When armhole measures 5 cm, bind off center 14 sts and complete both sides separately. 

For rounding at inside edge bind off 3 sts 3 times, 2 sts 5 times and 1 st 4 times. 

When armhole measures 17 cm, bind off rem 4 sts. 


Cast on 50 sts and work 4 rows in Rev St st. 

Cap Shaping: At each end bind off 2 sts 10 times and rem 10 sts once. 

Upper Band: 

Cast on 18 sts and work as foll: selv st, 3 sts in Rev St st, 10 sts in Cable Patt 3, 3 sts in Rev St st, selv st. On RS rows, work first 10 sts tight. On WS rows, the other way round.

When looser left side measures 78 cm from cast on, bind off all sts. 

Sew seam.


Sew shoulder seams.

Sew side and sleeve seams. Set in sleeves.

With crochet hook, work 1 rnd sc (single crochet) around neckline. 

Sew on band.

pullover chart

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