Pullover with Cables

Published: 11/01/24
Category: Pullovers
Hits: 1846
Pullover with Cables

Pullover with Cables

Sizes: 12/14 (US 8/10).


Yarn: 400 g; 1 pair quick knit needles and 1 circular needle, both size 4,5 mm. 

Rib pattern 2/2: *K2, P2, rep from * throughout.

Cable Pattern:

Work according to chart. Only Right Side rows are shown.

On Wrong Side rows, work all sts as they appear.

Repeat Rows 1-28 throughout.

Gauge: 18 sts and 22 rows = 10 x 10 cm.


Cast on 88 sts and work 4 rows in Rib Pattern 2/2 for border.

Continue in Cable Pattern.

Armhole Shaping: After 70 rows from border, bind off at each end 3 sts, then on every 2nd row 2 sts once, 1 st 3 times.

Work 30 rows even.

Shoulder Shaping: Bind off from each shoulder edge 5 sts 4 times.

Bind off the remaining shoulder sts.


Cast on 88 sts and work 4 rows in Rib Pattern 2/2 for border.

Continue in Cable Pattern.

Armhole Shaping: After 70 rows from border, bind off at each end 4 sts, then on every 2nd row 2 sts twice, 1 st 3 times.

Work 20 rows even.

Neck Shaping: After 102 rows from border, bind off center 16 sts and complete both sides separately.

For inner rounding at neck edge bind off on every 2nd row 1 st 4 times.

Shoulder Shaping: Bind off from each shoulder edge 5 sts 4 times.

Bind off the remaining shoulder sts.



Cast on 70 sts and work 10 rows in Rib Pattern 2/2.

Continue in Cable Pattern.

Cuff Shaping: Decrease at each end 1 st on every row 16 times.

Sleeve Shaping: Bind off at each end 1 st, then on every 10th row 1 st.

Cap Shaping: After 96 rows from beg, bind off at each end 4 sts once, then on every 2nd row 2 sts once, 1 st 19 times, 2 sts once and 3 sts once.

Then bind off remaining 10 sts.


Sew side seam and join shoulder seams.

Sew sleeve seams. Set in sleeves.

Neck Band: With circular needle, pick up sts evenly around neck edge and work 6 rnds in Rib Pat. Bind off all sts.

sweater chart

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