Pullover in Lace Pattern

Published: 05/04/20
Category: Pullovers
Hits: 9409
Pullover in Lace Pattern

Size: S/M


Yarn: 350 g (100% Cotton, 105 m/50 g); quick knit needles size 4.5 and 5 mm (US 7 and 8).

Double Rib Pattern: 

With contrasting yarn, cast on half of the necessary number of sts. 

Row 1: with main yarn work * K1, 1 yo, rep from *; 

Row 2: * work yo kwise, slip 1 st pwise without working, yarn forward, rep from *; 

Row 3 and further rows: * K1, slip 1 st pwise, yarn forward, rep from *. 

Unravel contrasting yarn in finished piece.

Rib Pattern: *K1, P1, rep from * throughout:

Lace Pattern: Multiple of 11 + 1. 

Row 1: K1, 1 yo, * K10, 1 yo, K1, 1 yo, rep from *, end with K10, 1 yo, K1. 

Row 2 and all further even rows: purl. 

Row 3: K2, 1 yo, * K10, 1 yo, K3, 1 yo, rep from *, end with K10, 1 yo, K2.

Row 5: K3, 1 yo, * K10, 1 yo, K5, 1 yo, rep from *, end with K10, 1 yo, K3. 

Row 7: K3, * P2tog 6 times, K5, rep from *, end with P2tog 6 times, K3. 

Repeat Rows 1-8 throughout.


in Lace Pattern: 17 sts and 24 rows = 10 x 10 cm.


Using needles size 4.5 mm, cast on 67 sts and work 4 rows in Double Rib Patt. 

Switch to 5 mm needles and work in Lace Pattern.

When piece measures 38 cm from cast on, for armhole shaping, at each end bind off 3 sts once and on every 2nd row 1 st 3 times. 

When piece measures 47 cm from beg, for neckline shaping, bind off center 23 sts and complete both sides separately.

For rounding at inside edge bind off 1 st 5 times on every 2nd row. 

When piece measures 53 cm from beg, bind off remaining 11 sts on either side for shoulders.


Using needles size 4.5 mm, cast on 34 sts and work 4 rows in Double Rib Patt. 

Switch to 5 mm needles and work in Lace Pattern.

Sleeve Slants: Inc 1 st 8 times on every 12th row each side. 

When piece measures 40 cm from cast on, for cap shaping, at each end bind off 3 sts once and on every 2nd row 1 st 8 times. 

When piece measures 53 cm from beg, bind off remaining 28 sts.


Sew one shoulder seam. 

Using 4.5 mm needles, pick up 145 sts evenly along neck edge, work 2 rnds in Rib Pattern, 4 rnds in Double Rib Pattern and bind off all sts using Kitchener stitch.

Sew second shoulder seam including neckband.

Sew in sleeves, join side and sleeve seams.

pullover chart

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