Pattern Mix Tunic
Sizes: 14/16 (US 10/12).
Yarn: 360 g (15% Wool, 15% Polyamide, 70% Acrylic, yardage = 350 m/50 g); one pair quick knit needles and one circular needle, both size 2 mm (US 0); cable needle.
The tunic is worked with double strand.
Rib Pattern: alt K1, P2.
Seed Stitch (#1 in schematic):
Work according to chart 1. RS and WS rows are shown.
Repeat rows 1 and 2 throughout.
Spider Pattern (#2 in schematic):
Row 1: selv st, * K3tog (create K1, yo, K1 from them), K1, rep from *, selv st.
Rows 2 and 4: Purl.
Row 3: selv st, K2, * K3tog (create K1, yo, K1 from them), K1, rep from *, selv st.
Lace Panel (#3 in schematic):
Row 1: Knit.
Rows 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10: Purl.
Row 3: selv st, *P1, sl 1 st, wyif, rep from *, selv st.
Row 5: selv st, *sl 1 st, wyif, P1, rep from *, selv st.
Rows 7 and 9: Knit.
Repeat Rows 3-10 throughout.
Diamond Pattern (#4 in schematic):
Work according to chart 2. Only RS rows are shown.
On WS rows, work all sts as they appear.
Rep rows 1-20 throughout.
Vertical Panel (#5 in schematic):
Work according to chart 4. Only RS rows are shown.
On WS rows, work all sts as they appear.
Cable Pattern (#6 in schematic):
Work according to chart 3. Only RS rows are shown.
On WS rows, work all sts as they appear.
over Seed Stitch: 25 sts and 30 rows = 10 x 10 cm;
over Diamond Pattern: 26 sts and 36 rows = 10 x 10 cm;
over Spider Pattern: 26 sts and 28 rows = 10 x 10 cm;
over Lace Panel: 23 sts and 30 rows = 10 x 10 cm;
over Vertical Panel: 24 sts and 28 rows = 10 x 10 cm.
Cast on 110 sts and work 160 rows in Seed Stitch.
For side slants, on 41st row from beg, bind off 1 st on each side, then on every 4th row 1 st 9 times = 90 sts.
After 120 rows from beg, inc 1 st on each side, then inc 1 st 9 times on every 4th row = 110 sts.
Armhole Shaping: On 161st row from beg, bind off 8 sts on each side, then on every 2nd row 2 sts twice = 86 sts.
Neck Shaping: On 211th row from beg, bind off center 30 sts and on either side of them 1 st twice every other row.
On 221st row from beg, bind off rem 26 sts each side for shoulders.
Cast on 110 sts and work 4 rows in Rib Patt.
Then work 56 rows as foll: selv st, 43 sts in Vertical Panel, 22 sts in Cable Pattern, 43 sts in Lace Panel, selv st.
Rows 61-84: selv st, 43 sts in Spider Pattern, 22 sts in Cable Pattern, 43 sts in Vertical Panel, selv st.
Rows 85-110: selv st, 43 sts in Lace Panel, 22 sts in Cable Pattern, 43 sts in Vertical Panel, selv st.
Rows 111-134: selv st, 43 sts in Lace Panel, 22 sts in Cable Pattern, 43 sts in Spider Pattern, selv st.
Rows 135-174: selv st, 43 sts in Lace Panel, 22 sts in Cable Pattern, 43 sts in Diamond Pattern, selv st.
Shape armhole as for back.
Rows 191-222: selv st, 31 sts in Vertical Panel, 22 sts in Cable Pattern, 31 sts in Diamond Pattern, selv st.
Neck Shaping: On 223d row from beg, bind off center 30 sts and on either side of them 1 st twice every other row.
On 233d row from beg, bind off rem 26 sts each side for shoulders.
Sew shoulder seam.
With 2 mm needles, pick up 91 sts along armhole edge and work 170 rows in Seed Stitch.
Sleeve Shaping: On 37th row from beg, bind off 1 st on each side, then on every 6th row 1 st 22 times = 45 sts.
On 171st row from beg, bind off all sts.
Sew side and sleeve seams.
With circular needle, pick up 87 sts evenly around neck edge and work 4 rnds in Rib Patt. Bind off all sts.