Oversized Pullover in Lace Diamonds

Published: 21/09/17
Category: Pullovers
Hits: 2773
Oversized Pullover in Lace Diamonds

pulloverSizes: 10/12 (US 8/10).


Yarn: 300 g Angora Melange

Rib Pattern: alt K3, P3.

Lace Diamonds:

Work according to chart. Only RS rows are shown.

On WS rows, purl all sts and yos.

Repeat rows 1-36.


Cast on 96 sts and work 20 rows in Rib Patt. 

Cont to work 16 cm in Lace Diamonds. Inc 1 st 5 times each side every 4th row, 1 st 5 times every row, and then 2 sts 6 times every other row. 

Work even for 11 cm more.

Bind off 10 sts 4 times gradually to shape shoulder slants.

Neckline Shaping: On rem sts bind off 1 st at inside edge every other row until neckline measures 30 cm.  

Work same for back.


Pick up sts along sleeve edge and work 19 cm in Rib Pattern. 

Neckband: Pick up sts evenly around neck edge and work 3 cm in Rib Pattern.

pullover chart

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