One-Piece Sleeve Tunic

Published: 22/05/19
Category: Tunics
Hits: 7078
One-Piece Sleeve Tunic

Sizes: M-L


Yarn: 350 g (55% Cotton, 45% Polyacrylic, yardage = 160 m per 50 g ball); one pair quick knit needles size 2.5 mm (US 1.5).

Basic Pattern: 

Reverse stocking stitch (Rev St st): Work RS rows P and WS rows K.

Garter st (gst): RS and WS rows K.


in Basic Pattern: 24 sts and 29 rows = 10 x 10 cm.


Cast on 143 sts and work as foll: selv st, K1 (work P from Row 35), rep patt 4 times, selv st.

On Rows 57, 59 dec 2 sts on each patt rep acc to chart = 127 sts. 

For side slants, dec 1 stitch each side every 6th row 5 times = 117 sts.

On Row 98 from beg, dec 1 st betw patt reps = 114 sts.

Cont as foll: selv st, 23 sts in Rev St st, 6 sts in Cable Pattern acc to chart 5, rep twice (24 sts in Rev St st, 6 sts acc to chart 5), 23 sts in Rev St st, selv st. 

After 56 cm from beg (60 rows of chart 5), for sleeves, cont as foll: selv st, 17 sts in Rev St st, 12 sts acc to chart 3, 24 sts in Rev St st, 6 sts acc to chart 5, 24 sts in Rev St st, 12 sts of chart 4 (beg is shown, then work in reverse acc to chart 3), 17 sts in Rev St st, selv st.

Cont as established. Inc sts on the right and on the left acc to charts. 

When piece measures 77 cm from beg, bind off all sts.


Work as given for back, but, while beginning to work sleeves, shape neckline over 12th st in center acc to chart 2. Cont as given for back over rem sts.  

On Row 27 bind off center 24 sts and complete both sides separately. Bind off slant sts acc to chart.

Cont even. Finish when piece matches back.

Cuff (2 pieces): 

Cast on 15 sts and work 34 cm in garter st. Bind off sts. 

Sew short edges tog shaping the ring.


Sew side seams and shoulder seams. Sew cuffs onto armholes.

tuni chart

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