Lace Tunic
Lace Tunic
Size: 12/14.
Yarn: 350 g (50% Cotton, 50% Viscose, yardage = 210 m/50 g), one pair quick knit needles and one circular needle, both size 3mm (US 2.5).
Gauge: 30 sts and 39 rows = 10 x 10 cm.
Lace Pattern:
Work according to chart. Only RS rows are shown.
On Wrong Side rows, work all sts as they appear, purl yo's.
Repeat Rows 1-22 for pattern.
Cast on 143 sts and work in Lace Pattern as foll: edge st, 7 sts before patt rep, work patt rep 9 times, end with 8 sts after patt and 1 edge st.
Work Rows 1-2 3 times, then repeat Rows 1-22 throughout.
For the Armhole Shaping, after 44 cm from beg, bind off at each end 7 sts once, then on every 2nd row 3 sts once, 2 sts once, 1 st twice = 115 sts.
For the Neck Shaping, after 54 cm from beg, bind off center 41 sts and complete both sides separately.
For rounding at inside edge, bind off 1 st 6 times on every 2nd row.
When piece measures 60 cm from beg, bind off rem 31 sts each side for shoulders.
Cast on 171 sts and work in Lace Pattern as foll: edge st, 7 sts before patt rep, work patt rep 11 times, end with 8 sts after patt and 1 edge st.
Work Rows 1-2 3 times, then repeat Rows 1-22 throughout.
For the Armhole Shaping, after 44 cm from beg, bind off at each end 9 sts once, then on every 2nd row 3 sts once, 1 st twice = 143 sts.
For the Neck Shaping, after 52 cm from beg, bind off center 41 sts and complete both sides separately.
For rounding at inside edge, bind off on every 2nd row 4 sts once, 3 sts twice, 2 sts 3 times and 1 st 4 times.
When piece measures 60 cm from beg, bind off rem 31 sts each side for shoulders.
Left sleeve:
Cast on 73 sts and work in Lace Pattern as foll: edge st, 7 sts before patt rep, work patt rep 4 times, end with 8 sts after patt and 1 edge st.
Work Rows 1-2 3 times, then repeat Rows 1-22 throughout.
For the sleeve shaping, increase 1 st each side every 4th row 21 times, working increased stitches into Lace Pat = 115 sts.
For the Cap Shaping, after 31 cm from beg, bind off at right edge 7 sts once, at left edge 9 sts once, then on every 2nd row 3 sts once, 2 sts once and 1 st 7 times.
Work 14 rows even, bind off at each end on every 2nd row 1 st 3 times, 2 sts twice, 3 sts twice, 4 sts twice, 5 sts twice and remaining 13 sts once.
Right sleeve: Work to correspond to left sleeve, reversing shaping.
Sew Shoulder seams.
For Neck Band, with circular needle, pick up sts evenly around neck edge and knit 1 rnd and purl 1 rnd, bind off all sts kwise.
Sew sleeve and side seams.