Jacket with Leaf Pattern

Published: 10/10/16
Category: Jackets
Hits: 3480
Jacket with Leaf Pattern

Sizes: 12/14 (US 10/12)


Yarn: 200 g Alize «ANGORA LUX»(10 % Mohair, 10 % Wool, 80 % Acrylic, yardage = 450 m/100 g); one pair knit needles size 3 mm (US 2.5) and crochet hook size 2,5 mm (US B).

Stocking stitch (St st): work RS rows K and WS rows P.

Reverse stocking stitch (Rev St st): work RS rows P and WS rows K.

Rib Pattern: K1, P1 Rib.

Leaf Pattern:

Work according to chart. Only RS rows are shown.

On WS rows, work all sts as they appear.

Row 7-13: on WS rows work yos P. 

Row 21-27: on WS rows work yos K. 

Work Rows 1 - 32 once, then repeat Rows 3 - 32 throughout.


in Leaf Patt: 19 sts and 24 rows = 10 x 10 cm;

in Rib Patt: 17 sts and 30 rows = 10 x 10 cm.


Cast on 85 sts and work 11 Rows in Rib Patt for border, inc 12 st evenly across last WS row = 97 sts. 

Then work 96 rows as follows: 20 sts in Rev St st, 54 sts in Leaf Patt (from arrow A to arrow B), 3 sts (from arrow B to arrow C), 20 sts in Rev St st. 

Armhole Shaping: On Row 97 from border, bind off 5 sts at each end, then 2 sts every other row once and 1 stitch twice = 79 sts.

On Row 151 from border, bind off all sts.

Left Front: 

Cast on 45 sts and work 11 Rows in Rib Patt for border, inc 8 st evenly across last WS row = 53 sts. 

Then work 96 rows as follows: 19 sts in Rev St st, 21 sts in Leaf Patt (from arrow A to arrow C), 4 sts in Rev St st, 9 sts in Rib Patt (border). 

Armhole Shaping: On Row 97 from border, bind off 5 sts at right edge, then 2 sts every other row once and 1 stitch twice = 44 sts. 

Neckline Shaping: On Row 115 from border, bind off 12 sts at left edge, then 2 sts every other row 3 times, 1 stitch 7 times. 

On Row 151 from border, bind off rem 19 shoulder sts.

Right front: Work in reverse. 

Work buttonholes on Rows 9, 29, 49, 69, 89 and 109 from border as foll: 3 sts in Rib Patt, 1 yo, K2tog, 4 sts in Rib Patt, 44 sts in pattern.


Cast on 42 sts and work 11 Rows in Rib Patt for border, inc 9 st evenly across last WS row = 51 sts. 

Cont as follows: 15 sts in Rev St st, 21 sts in Leaf Patt (from arrow A to arrow C), 15 sts in Rev St st.

Sleeve shaping: On Row 7 from border, inc 1 stitch at each end, then 1 stitch every 6th row 11 times = 75 sts.

Armhole Shaping: On Row 99 from border, bind off 5 sts at each end, then 3 sts every other row once and 2 sts once, 1 stitch every 4th row 11 times, 3 sts every other row twice = 21 sts.

On Row 153 from border, work knit every 3 sts together, then bind off remaining 7 sts.


Sew shoulder seams.

Sew side and sleeve seams. Set in sleeves.


Pick up and k 142 sts along neck edge and work in St st for 9 rows. On Row 2 inc 142 sts (kfb - knit in Front and Back in same stitch) = 284 sts. 

Then On Row 7 inc 284 sts (kfb - knit in Front and Back in same stitch) = 568 sts 

On Row 10 from picked-up sts, bind off all sts.

Button (make 6): 

With crochet hook, make 4 cn and join with sl st to form a ring. 

Row 1: 1 ch, 11 single crochet (sc) in formed ring. 

Rows 2-9: 1 ch, 11 single crochet (sc) in ring of 4 cn.  

Join every row with sl st to first st.

jacket chart

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