Jacket with Lace Yoke

Published: 26/10/17
Category: Jackets
Hits: 6099
Jacket with Lace Yoke

Size: 10 (US 6)


Yarn: 450 g (100% Merino Wool, yardage = 175 m/50 g); 1 pair quick knit needles size 4 mm (US 6); 3 buttons.

Garter stitch: Knit on RS and WS rows.

Rib Patt 1/1: alt K1, P1.

Special garter stitch:

Rows 1, 3 and 4: knit.

Row 2: purl.

Row 5: rep from Row 1.

Honeycomb Pattern (over 16 sts): work acc to chart.

Double Rib Patt (to complete work): 

Row 1 and further rows: * K1, yarn forward, slip 1 st pwise, yarn behind *, rep from * to *.

Gauge over gst: 16 sts and 35 rows = 10 x 10 сm.


Cast on 71 sts and work 30 cm = 106 rows in gst. Cont to work as foll: 6 sts in Special garter sticth, 16 sts in Honeycomb Pattern, 27 sts in Special garter stitch, 16 sts in Honeycomb Pattern, 6 sts in Special garter stitch.

Armhole Slants: When piece measures 43 cm = 142 rows from cast on, bind off 2 sts once at each end, then dec 1 st 3 times after first 3 sts and before 3 last sts on every 2nd row.

Cont until piece meas 60 cm = 190 rows from cast on. Bind off rem 61 sts.

Left Front:

Cast on 41 sts and work 106 rows in gst. Cont to work as foll: 6 sts in Special garter sticth, 16 sts in Honeycomb Pattern, 11 sts in Special garter stitch, 8 sts in gst for band.

Armhole Slant: When piece measures 43 cm = 142 rows from cast on, bind off 2 sts once at right end, then dec 1 st 3 times after first 3 sts on every 2nd row.

Neckline: When piece measures 53 cm = 170 rows from cast on, bind off 8 sts once at left end, then bind off 3 sts twice, 2 sts twice and 1 st twice on every 2nd row.

Cont until piece meas 60 cm = 190 rows from cast on. Bind off rem 16 sts for shoulder.

Right Front:

Work in reverse. Work 3 buttonholes after first 3 sts in Rows 107, 137 and 167 from cast on.


Cast on 36 sts and work 6 rows in garter st.

Cont as foll: 10 sts in Special garter stitch, 16 sts in Honeycomb Pattern, 10 sts in Special garter sticth, increasing at each end 1 st 15 times on every 8th row.

Cap Shaping: When piece measures 48 cm = 134 rows from cast on, bind off 2 sts once at each end, then dec 1 st 14 times on every 2nd row and 1 st 6 times on every row.

Cont until piece meas 60 cm = 170 rows from cast on. Bind off rem 22 sts.


Close shoulder seams.

Neckband: Cast on 142 sts along neck edge beg from right front edge. Work 4 rows in Rib Patt 1/1 and 4 rows in Double Rib Patt (over 2 cm). Bind off all sts using kitchener stitch.

Sew in sleeves. Sew sleeve and side seams. Sew on buttons.

jacket chart

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