Jacket in Textured Pattern

Published: 02/02/17
Category: Jackets
Hits: 6219
Jacket in Textured Pattern

Size: 10/12 (US 8/10)


Yarn: 700 g (40% Wool, 60% Acrylic, yardage = 100 m/100 g); one pair quick knit needles size 4 and 5 mm (US 6 and 8).

Textured Pattern:

Work according to chart. RS and WS rows are shown.

Rib Pattern: alt K1, P1.


in textured pattern with needles size 5 mm: 15 sts and 18 rows = 10 x 10 cm.


Using needles size 5 mm, cast on 73 sts + 2 selv sts and work in Textured Pattern.

When work meas 7 cm, dec 1 st on both first and last Rev St st stripe, then rep decs on every 10th row 4 times.

On foll row, dec 1 st on center Rev St st stripe = P2 on each stripe.

Raglan Slants: When work meas 35 cm from cast on, dec at both ends 1 st 15 times on every 2nd row, skipping 3 sts + selv st from edge.

When raglan meas 18 cm place rem 30 sts on holder.

Right Front:

Using needles size 5 mm, cast on 45 sts + 2 selv sts and work in Textured Pattern beg with 2 sts of Cable.

On left side dec 1 st on Rev St st stripe on every 10th row.

Work these decs alternately on 5 last stripes, work right side even = 40 sts.

After 35 cm from cast on, work raglan slant on left side same as back.

For Neckline Shaping, when work meas 50 cm, on right side place last 18 sts on holder.

Then for neckline rounding bind off 3 sts once and 1 st once.

Work 3 rem sts tog, break yarn and fasten off.

Left Front: Work in reverse.


Using needles size 5 mm, cast on 53 sts + 2 selv sts and work in Textured Pattern.

When work meas 5 cm, dec 1 st on each P3 side stripe.

Then rep decs on every 6th row on other stripes except the center one.

Now each stripe between cables has two purls, the center one has three purls.

When work meas 35 cm, work decs for raglan slants on both sides same as back.

Place rem 15 sts of sleeve on holder.

Rep for other sleeve.


Join raglan seams.

Transfer 18 sts of front from holder on needles size 4 mm, pick up 7 sts evenly around neckline slant, transfer 15 sts of sleeve, 30 sts of back, 15 sts of the second sleeve, pick up 7 sts evenly around neckline slant, transfer 18 sts of neckline = 110 sts.

Work in Rib Pattern.

After 4 rows work 2 buttonholes on right front.

To do that, bind off sts 4-6 and 13-15, cast them on on foll row.

After 10 rows from band, bind off sts tightly.

Sew side and sleeve seams.

Sew on buttons.

jacket chart

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