Dress with Cable Pattern

Published: 12/02/19
Category: Dresses
Hits: 7710
Dress with Cable Pattern

Size: M


Yarn: 700 g (50% Wool, 50% Polyacrylic, yardage = 280 m/100 g); one pair quick knit needles and one circular needle, both size 3.5 mm (US 4); crochet hook size 3 mm (US C).

Rib Patt: K2, P2 Rib.

Seed Stitch:  

Row 1: alt K1, P1.

Row 2 and all further rows: purl over K, knit over P.

Cable Pattern:

Work according to chart 1. Only RS rows are shown.

On WS rows, work all sts as they appear.

Rep Rows 1-20 throughout.

Cable 1 and 2: 

Work according to charts 2 and 4. Only odd-numbered rows are shown.

On even-numbered rows, work all sts as they appear.

Repeat Rows 1-8 throughout.

Collar Pattern:

Cable Pattern:

Work according to chart 3. Only RS rows are shown.

On WS rows, work all sts as they appear.

Repeat Rows 1-32 throughout.

Gauge over Cross Stripe: 32 sts and 22 rows = 10 x 10 cm.

Gauge: 20 sts and 32 rows = 10 x 10 cm.

Cross Stripe: 

Cast on 58 sts and work as foll: selv st, 12 sts in Cable 2, 32 sts in Cable Pattern acc to chart 1, 12 sts in Cable 1, selv st. 

After 90 cm bind off sts. 

Close stripe seam at short edges. 

Place seam along left side edge.

Body is worked in round to armholes without side seams. 

With circular needle, pick up 176 sts along upper edge of cross stripe (beg from seam) and cont in rnds as foll: 6 sts in Seed Stitch, * sts 2-11 in Cable 1, 12 sts in Seed Stitch, rep from *, 6 sts in Seed Stitch. 

For waist shaping, after 17 cm from beg, on every 2nd stripe of Seed Stitch dec 1 st = 172 sts, and after 4 cm dec 1 st again = 168 sts. 

Inc 1 st twice on every 2nd stripe of Seed Stitch every 4 cm.   

After 59 cm from stripe, divide work in 2 parts (88 sts each) and complete both parts separately.


Armhole Shaping: at both ends bind off 3 sts once and 1 st twice on every 2nd row = 78 sts. 

Neckline Shaping: When piece measures 57 cm from cross stripe, bind off center 22 sts and complete both sides separately. 

For rounding at inside edge bind off 1 st twice on every 2nd row. 

After 59 cm from cross stripe, bind off rem 22 sts each side for shoulders.


Work like back, but with deeper neckline.

Neckline Shaping: When piece measures 52 cm from cross stripe, bind off center 18 sts and complete both sides separately. 

For rounding at inside edge bind off 3 sts once, 2 sts twice and 1 st 3 times on every 2nd row. 

After 59 cm from cross stripe, bind off rem 22 sts each side for shoulders.


Cast on 42 sts and work in Rib Patt, inc 1 st 5 times at each end every 3 cm = 52 sts. 

After 18 cm, inc 28 sts (make 1 st tbl by picking up the loop between sts) evenly across WS row = 80 sts. 

Cont as foll: selv st, 20 sts in Seed Stitch, 2 sts in Rev St st, 32 sts in Cable Pattern acc to chart 1, 2 sts in Rev St st, 20 sts in Seed Stitch, selv st.  

Cap Shaping: When piece measures 46 cm from beg, at each end bind off 5 sts once, 2 sts 5 times and 1 st twice on every 2nd row. Work even for 10 rows, then bind off 1 st 4 times, 2 sts 3 times and 3 sts once on every 2nd row. 

When piece measures 60 cm from beg, bind off rem 20 sts.


Sew shoulder seams.

For collar, cast on 22 sts and work in patt acc to chart 3. 

After 68 cm bind off sts. 

Join collar seams at short edges. Place seam in the center of back neckline and sew collar to neck edge. 

Sew side and sleeve seams.

dress chart

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