Dress in Lace Leaves Pattern

Published: 18/06/24
Category: Dresses
Hits: 984
Dress in Lace Leaves Pattern

Dress in Lace Leaves Pattern

Size: 12/14 (US 8/10).


Yarn: 230 g (100% mercerized cotton, yardage = 200 m/50 g); one circular knitting needle size 1,5mm (US00).

Rib Pattern: * K1 tbl, P1, repeat from * throughout.

Eyelet Stripes:

Work according to chart. Only RS rows are shown.

On Wrong Side rows, work all sts as they appear, work yo's P.

On even-numbered rnds, work all sts as they appear, work yo's K.

Repeat Rows 1-4 throughout.

Lace Leaves Pattern:

Work according to chart. Only RS rows are shown.

On Wrong Side rows, work all sts as they appear, work yo's P.

On even-numbered rnds, work all sts as they appear, work yo's K.

Repeat Rows 1-12 throughout.


in Lace Leaves Patt: 26 sts and 38 rows = 10 x 10 cm.

Back and Front are worked in the round from the bottom up.

Cast on 230 sts and join to work in the rnd, then work 4 rnd in Rib Patt.

Next, work 23-st rep 10 times in Lace Leaves Patt and Eyelet Stripes.

On Rnd 145 from beg, for waist shaping, decrease sts in every eyelet stripe as follows: purl 2 sts together, P1, yarn over, skpo (= slip 1 stitch as if to knit, knit 1 and pass the slipped stitch over the knitted stitch), P1, purl 2 sts together = 210 sts (a total of 20 stitches decreased).

Continue 55 rnds even.

On Rnd 201 from beg, increase sts in every eyelet stripe as follows: purl in front and back in same stitch, P1, yarn over, skpo, P1, purl in front and back in same stitch = 230 sts (a total of 20 stitches increased).

Continue 13 rnds even.

For Armhole Shaping, on Rnd 215 from beg, bind off sts at as follows:

Left Armhole: bind off 19 sts (= P2, 15 sts Lace Leaves Patt, P2);

Front: work 96 sts according to chart (Lace Leaves Patt and Eyelet Stripes);

Right Armhole: bind off 19 sts (= P2, 15 sts Lace Leaves Patt, P2);

Back: 96 sts according to chart (Lace Leaves Patt and Eyelet Stripes).

Place Front sts on stitch holder.


Back (over 96 sts):

For the Armhole Shaping, bind off 2 sts each side every 2nd row 2 times = 56 sts.

Continue even.

For the Neckline Shaping, on row 271 from beg, bind off center 42 sts and bind off 2 sts twice at both neck edges every other row.

On Row 298 from beg, bind off remaining 19 shoulder sts.

Left Shoulder: Work in same way.

Front: Work as for back.


Sew Shoulder seams.

For the Neck Band, pick up sts evenly around neck edge and work 4 rnds in Rib Pat. Bind off all sts in rib.

dress chart

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