Dress in Fancy Pattern

Published: 22/11/18
Category: Dresses
Hits: 5539
Dress in Fancy Pattern

Sizes: 8/10 (US 6/8)


Yarn: 400 g (100% mercerized cotton, 240m/50g), one pair knit needles and one circular needle, both size 2.5 mm (US 2), crochet hook size 1.75 mm (US B).

Stockinette stitch (St st): work RS rows K and WS rows P.

Fancy Pattern: work according to chart 1.

Basic Pattern: work according to chart 2.

Eyelet Pattern: work according to chart 3.

Diagonal Pattern: work according to chart 4.


30 sts and 41 rows = 10 x 10 cm over St st with 2.5 mm needles.

Integrally-knitted body:

With circular needle size 2.5, cast on 256 sts and work 4 rnds in St st.

Divide the work in the middle. Mark side lines.

Purl 2 sts on side lines.

Beg from Row 5, work in Eyelet Pattern purling 2 sts on side lines. 

Beg from Row 9, work in Diagonal Pattern purling 2 sts on side lines. 

Beg from Row 19, work in Basic Pattern purling 2 sts on side lines. 

Then cont in St st.

For side slants, beg from Row 51, dec 1 st on either side of body, then on every 6th row 1 st 7 times = 224 sts.

Beg from Row 125, inc 1 st on either side of body, then on every 6th row 1 st 6 times = 252 sts.

Beg from Row 163, work back as foll: 36 sts in St st, 19 sts in Fancy Pattern, 48 sts in St st, 19 sts in Fancy Pattern, 36 sts in St st. 

Work front in St st.

On Row 195, divide the work in the middle: 126 sts for front and 126 sts for back.

Back (over 126 sts):

Armhole Shaping: On Row 196, bind off 6 sts at each end, then 5 sts once, 3 sts once and 1 st twice on every 2nd row = 94 sts.

Neckline Shaping: On Row 45 from armhole beg, bind off center 20 sts and, on either side of them, bind off 5 sts once, 3 sts once, 2 sts twice and 1 st 4 times every other row.

On Row 75, bind off rem 21 shoulder sts on either side.

Front (over 126 sts):

Armhole Shaping: On Row 196, bind off 6 sts at each end, then 5 sts once, 3 sts once and 1 st twice on every 2nd row = 94 sts.

Neckline Shaping: On Row 7 from armhole beg, bind off center 2 sts and, on either side of them, bind off 1 st 25 times every other row.

On Row 75, bind off rem 21 shoulder sts on either side.


Cast on 56 sts and work 4 rows in St st.

Beg from Row 5, work in Eyelet Pattern. 

Beg from Row 11, work in Diagonal Pattern. 

Beg from Row 27, work in Basic Pattern (without center pattern) = a total of 6 reps in width and 6 reps in height. 

Next, work 5 rows in St st.

Then work in Basic Pattern = a total of 6 reps in width and 5 reps in height symmetrically. 

Sleeve Shaping: On Row 12 from beg, inc 1 stitch at each end, then 1 st every 8th row 13 times = 84 sts.

Cap Shaping: On Row 165, bind off 3 sts at each end, then 3 sts once and 2 sts once on every 2nd row, then 1 st 9 times on every 4th row and 1 st 13 times and 2 sts once on every 2nd row.

On Row 235 from beg, bind off rem 20 sts.


Sew shoulder seams.

Sew sleeve seams. Set in sleeves.


Using needles size 2.5 mm, cast on 34 sts and work acc to border chart 5.

Bind off all sts in Row 336 from beg.

With crochet hook, work 3 rnds sc (single crochet) around narrow edges and one long edge of border.

Sew border to dress bottom leaving vent. 

With crochet hook, work evenly around neck edge and sleeve bottom as foll:

Rnd 1: single crochet (sc);

Rnd 2: * work 4 sc in next 4 sc of previous row, 1 Picot (= ch 3 and 1 sc back in the 1 st ch, skip 1 st, 1 sc in next st), rep from * to end.

Join every row with sl st to first st.

dress chart

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