Long Cardigan with Textured Pattern

Published: 15/03/17
Category: Cardigans
Hits: 22718
Cardigan with Cable Pattern

Sizes: 8/10/12/14/16 (US 4/6/8/10/12)

Finished sizes: 

Chest circumference: 88/94/100/106/112 cm. 

Length: 74/75/76/77/78 cm. 

Sleeve length: 47/47/46/45/45


Yarn: 750/800/850/900/950 g Sandnes Alfa (85% Wool, 15% Mohair, yardage = 60 m/50 g); 1 pair quick knit needles and one circular needle sizez 6 and 7 mm (US 10 and 10.5); 5 buttons.

Rib Patt: K2, P2 Rib.

Reverse stocking stitch (Rev st st): Work RS rows P and WS rows K.

Textured Pattern: Work acc to chart A and B.

Selv st: Work K at beg and end of each row. 


13 sts = 10 cm over Rev st st with 7 mm needles; 

15 sts = 10 cm over Textured Pattern with 7 mm needles.


Using 6 mm needles, cast on 66/70/74/78/82 sts and work 5 cm in Rib Patt beg with WS row as foll: selv st, P1, K2, * P2, K2, rep from *, end with P1, selv st.  

Dec 1 st on last WS row. 

Cont with 7 mm needles in Textured Pattern acc to chart A.

For waist shaping, when work meas 19 cm dec 1 st each side.

Rep these decs every 7 cm twice more = 59/63/67/71/75 sts. 

When work meas 40/41/42/43/44 cm inc 1 st each side. 

Rep these incs every 4 cm twice more = 65/69/73/77/81 sts. 

Armhole Shaping: When work measures 54 cm from beg, bind off 1/2/3/3/4 sts on either side.

Then dec 1 st 3 times more at each end on every row = 57/59/61/65/67 sts. 

When work meas 18/19/20/21/22 cm from beg, put center 21/23/23/25/25 sts on holder and complete both sides separately. 

For shoulder slants, bind off 6, 6, 6 / 6, 6, 6 / 6, 6, 7 / 6, 7, 7 / 7, 7, 7 sts on each row from outside. 

Complete to match first side of neck, reversing all shaping.

Left Front: 

Using 6 mm needles, cast on 35/35/39/39/43 sts and work 5 cm in Rib Patt beg with WS row as foll: selv st, * P2, K2, rep from *, end with P1, selv st. 

Dec 3/1/3/1/3 sts evenly across last WS row.

Cont with 7 mm needles in Textured Pattern acc to chart A. 

For waist shaping on right side, work decs and incs same as for back. 

For neckline slant, when piece meas 39/40/39/40/41 cm, on RS row work until last 3 sts, skpo (= sl 1 kwise, K1, pass slipped stitch over), selv st. 

Rep these decs on every 4th and 6th row alternatively 9/10/10/11/11 times more. 

At the same time, work armhole and shoulder slant on right side same as for back = 18/18/19/20/21 sts.

Right Front: 

Using 6 mm needles, cast on 35/35/39/39/43 sts and work 5 cm in Rib Patt beg with WS row as foll: selv st, P1, *K2, P2, rep from *, end with selv st.  

Cont as for left front, reversing shaping. For neckline slant, work K2tog instead of skpo. 


Using 6 mm needles, cast on 42/42/46/46/46 sts and work 5 cm in Rib Patt as for back.

Dec 2/0/4/2/0 sts evenly across last WS row. 

Cont with 7 mm needles in Textured Pattern acc to chart B (arrow in chart to indicate pattern center).  

For sleeve slants, when work meas 14 cm, inc 1 st each side. 

Rep these incs every 7/7/6/5/5 cm 3/4/5/6/6 times more = 48/52/54/58/60 sts. 

Cap Shaping: When work meas 47/47/46/45/45 cm, on each side bind off 4 sts 3 times on every 2nd row.

Bind off rem 24/28/30/34/36 sts as they appear.


Sew shoulder seams. 

For closure, with circular needle size 6 mm, pick up 242/246/250/254/258 sts evenly around front edge to back neck center (multiple of 4 sts plus 2). 

Work 7 rows in Rib Patt: * P2, K2, rep from *, end with P2. 

At the same time, work 5 buttonholes evenly spaced on 3rd row of right front band. To do that, bind off 3 sts and cast them on again on foll row.  

Bind off sts as they appear.

cardigan chart

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