Balloon sleeve sweater (turquoise)
SIZES: 12/14
400 g yarn (col Turquoise) (60% Merino Wool fine superwash, 40% Acrylic); 1 pair quick-knit needles and 1 circular knit needle, both size 3, one crochet hook size 2.5; brilliant thread for finishing.
Multiple of 7 + 2 + 2 selv sts.
Cast on 102 sts. On WS rows purl all sts.
RS rows:
Row 1: knit.
Row 3: * k2, yo, p1, p3tog, p1, yo.
Rep from * to end, k2.
Armhole shaping: When work meas 35 cm, at both ends cast off 6 sts, then on every foll alt row 4 sts once, 2 sts once and 1 st once.
After approx 21 cm, bind off = 74 sts.
Cast on 103 sts and work as foll: 38 sts as for back.
Then work 27 sts acc to chart 1 and 38 sts as for back.
Shape armhole: when work meas 35 cm, cast off all sts as for back.
Shape neck: When work meas 5 cm from beg armhole, cast off centre 55 sts.
Work 21 cm from beg armhole and cast off all sts.
Cast on 39 sts and work 7 cm as for back.
Then work as foll: inc no of sts, M3 (k1, p1, k1 into same st) = 107 sts.
Group sts as foll: selv st, k4, 27 sts of patt rep, k8, 27 sts of patt rep, k8, 27 sts of patt rep, k4, selv st.
Work 84 rows (7 patt rep) as established.
Then to add a brilliant thread and work 12 rows, as back.
Then remove a brilliant thread and cont in stst.
Armhole shaping: When work meas 38 cm, cast off 6 sts once, 4 sts once, 2 sts once, 1 st 33 times, 2 sts once and 3 st once.
Bind off rem 7 sts.
Sew side seam and join shoulder seams.
Set in sleeves.
Neckband: Using circular needle, pick up sts along neckline and work 6 rnds in gst.
Work around bottom edge acc to crochet chart, add a brilliant thread in rows 1-3.