Tuxedo Vest and Bow Tie

Published: 07/04/15
Category: Vests
Hits: 13379
Tuxedo Vest and Bow Tie

Size: 18-24 months


1 x 100 g hank (each approx 328 yards/1 meters) of Kartopu Gonca in #K010 white (A) and 1 100 g hank in #K940 black (B);

1 pair 3,5 mm quick-knit needles, one 3,5 mm circular needle and three 15 mm buttons.

Rib Pattern: K2, P2 Rib.

St st: K on RS rows, P on WS rows.


St st: 22 sts and 27 rows = 10 x 10 cm.


With A, cast on 54 sts. Work in Rib Pat for 8 rows, increasing 6 sts evenly across last row = 60 sts.

Beg with row 1 of chart, work in St st until piece measures 21 cm from beg.

Armhole shaping:

Bind off 5 sts at beg of next 2 rows.

Dec 2 sts at each end of the next row and then dec 1 at side every row 3 times = 40 sts rem.

Cont even.

Armhole measures approx 16,5 cm.

Strap: Work acc to chart and photo.

Neck shaping:

Tuxedo Vest and Bow Tie

Working colors as for chart row 77, join a 2nd ball of yarn and bind off center 8 sts, work to end of row.

Working both sides at once, bind off 3 sts from each neck edge once, then dec 1 st from each neck edge 3 times.

When piece measures 37,5 cm from beg, bind off rem 10 sts each side for shoulders.


With A, cast on 54 sts. Work in Rib Pat for 8 rows, increasing 6 sts evenly across last row = 60 sts.

Beg with a knit (RS) row, work 24 rows in St st.

Cut A and cont in B to end.

Work until piece measures same as front to armhole.

Armhole shaping:

Bind off 5 sts at beg of next 2 rows.

Dec 2 sts at each end of the next row and then dec 1 at side every row 3 times = 40 sts rem.

Work even until armhole measures 34,5 cm, end with a WS row.

Neck shaping:

Next row (RS): Work 18 sts, join a 2nd ball of yarn and bind off center 6 sts, work to end.

Working both sides at once, bind off 3 sts from each neck edge once, 2 sts from each neck edge 2 times.

When piece measures 37,5 cm from beg, bind off rem 10 sts each side for shoulders.


Block pieces to finished measurements.

Join shoulder and side seams.


With circular needle, RS facing and A, pick up and k 76 sts evenly around neck opening.

Join and place marker (pm) for beg of rnd.

Work 8 rnd in Rib Pat.

Bind off all sts loosely in rib.


With circular needle, RS facing and A, pick up and k 70 sts evenly around armhole opening.

Join and pm for beg of rnds.

Work 8 rnd in Rib Pat.

Bind off all sts in rib.

Using photo as a guide, sew buttons to center front of vest.

Bow Tie:

With B, cast on 14 sts and work 24 rows in St st, end with a WS row.

Bind off all sts purlwise.

Thread the bow tie through the strap.


Chart in pdf

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