Long Cardigan in Fancy Pattern

Published: 30/08/17
Category: Cardigans
Hits: 7352
Long Cardigan in Fancy Pattern

cardigan Sizes: 10/12 (US 8/10).


Yarn: 500 g (100% Cotton, 200 m/100 g); 1 one pair quick knit needles size 5&6 mm (US 8&10). 

Rib Patt: K2, * P2, K2, rep from *. 

Garter st (gst): k or p every row. 

Fancy Pattern: work according to charts. 

On WS rows work all sts as they appear.

Rep from * to *.


16 sts and 20 rows = 10 x 10 cm, with needles size 6 in Fancy Pattern. 


Using needles size 6 mm, cast on 72 sts and work in gst.  

After 6 cm from cast on, cont in Fancy Pattern acc to chart 1. Work to the middle and then in reverse.  

Armhole Shaping: When piece measures 63 cm from beg, at each end bind off 2 sts once, then 2 sts once and 1 st once on every 2nd row. 

When piece measures 80 cm from cast on, bind off rem sts. 

Right Front:

Using needles size 6 mm, cast on 38 sts and work in gst.  

After 6 cm from cast on, cont in Fancy Pattern acc to chart 2. 

Armhole Shaping: When piece measures 63 cm from beg, at left end bind off sts as for back. 

Neckline Shaping: When piece measures 74 cm from cast on, at right end bind off 5 sts, then 3 sts once, 2 sts once and 1 st twice on every 2nd row.  

When piece measures 80 cm from cast on, bind off rem sts. 

Left Front: Work in reverse. 


Using needles size 5 mm, cast on 43 sts and work in Rib Patt. 

After 5 cm from cast on switch to 6 mm needles and work in gst. 

After 11 cm from cast on cont in Fancy Pattern acc to chart 1. Beg each sleeve as marked on chart. 

Cap Shaping: When piece measures 53 cm from cast on, at each end bind off 2 sts once, then 2 sts 7 times on every 2nd row. 

When piece measures 63 cm from cast on, bind off rem sts. 


Close shoulder seams. 

Band Shaping: With 5 mm needles, pick up 64 sts evenly around neck edge and work in Rib Patt.  

Cont until band meas 3 cm. Bind off all sts. 

Band Shaping: With 5 mm needles, pick up 152 sts evenly around right front and work in Rib Patt.  

Cont until band meas 3 cm. Bind off all sts. 

Left Front Band: Work in same way. 

Sew sleeve seams and set in sleeves. 

Sew side seams. Leave lower 6 cm open. 

cardigan chart

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