Lace Knit Raglan Stitch
Published: 08/11/21
Category: Knitting Techniques Video
Hits: 8592
Tags: knitting chart | Lace Knit Pattern | Lace Knit Raglan Stitch | Lace Knit Stitch | Lace Knit Stitch Pattern | Raglan Knitting Pattern
Lace Knit Raglan Stitch
How to knit Lace Stitch:
Multiple of 18 + 2 edge sts.
Cast on 20 sts (18 + 2 edge sts) and work according to сhart.
The chart shows only RS rows.
On WS rows, purl all sts and yo’s.
Repeat Rows 1-12 throughout.
How to knit raglan with lace pattern:
Cast on 16 sts (14 sts + 2 edge sts) and work according to сharts A (right Front) and B (left Front).
Сharts shows only RS rows.
On WS rows, purl all sts and yo’s.
Raglan line = 14 sts wide.
Repeat rows 1-12 of raglan line throughout.