Long-sleeve Cardigan
Published: 26/04/11
Category: Cardigans
Hits: 9639
SIZE: Instructions are for size (A/B) Small/Medium (fits 34"-36" bust). Changes for size (C) Large (fits 38"-40" bust) are in parentheses or separated by dashes.
When only one figure appears, it applies to both sizes.
MATERIALS : Phildar Canelis yarn (or any yarn of similar quality), 50 g/1 3/4 oz put-up, 13 (14) balls in white. Two aluminum crochet hooks US size 1/B and 3/D or SIZE FOR GAUGE. Six white buttons.
STITCHES YOU WILL USE : Chain stitch (Ch st), single crochet (sc), double crochet (dc).
PATTERN STITCH (pat): Ch 3 to turn.
Row 1: Work dc in 5th st from hook and in each st across; ch 3, turn.
Row 2: 1 dc bet first 2 dc below *sk next 2 dc, 2 dc bet last skipped dc and next dc (= 1 V), rep from *across, end with sk 2 dc, 1 dc bet last dc and Turning chain (Tch), 1 dc in top of Tch (= edge dc); ch 3, turn.
Row 3: Rep rows 2 and 3 for pat st.
DECORATIVE BAND (Dec Bd) : Multiple of 8.
Row 1 wrong side (WS): *3 ch, sk next 4 dc (= 2 Vs), bet last skipped dc and next dc work 1 dc + 3 ch + 1 dc, 3 ch, sk next 4 dc, 1 dc bet last skipped dc and next dc, rep from *across, end with edge dc in top of Tch ; ch 1, turn.
Row 2 right side (RS): *4 sc in next ch-3 loops (lp), 5 sc in next ch-3 lp, 4 sc in next ch-3 lp (= 13 sc in all per motif), rep from *across, end with 1 sc in top of Tch (= edge sc); ch 3, turn.
Row 3 : *In each of 4 center sc work 1 puff st + 1 ch, in 5th center sc work 1 puff st, sk next 4 sc, 1 dc in top of dc on row 1, rep from *across, end with edge dc in Tch ; ch 1, turn.
Row 4: 1 ch, *in next ch-1 work 1 sc + 3 ch, rep from *across, end with 1 sc in last ch-1, 1 ch and 1 sc in top of Tch ; ch 3, turn.
Row 5 : *3 ch, sk next ch-3 lp, in next ch-3 lp work 1 dc + 3 ch + 1 dc, 3 ch, sk next ch-3 lp, in next ch-3 lp work 1 dc, rep from *across, end with edge dc in Tch.
PICOT (p): Across sc below work *3 ch, 1 slip stitch (sl st) in first st of ch-3, 2 sc in each of next 2 sc, rep from *across.
BIND OFF: At beg of row, sl st across req number of sts ; at end of row, leave req number of sts unworked.
GAUGE : With larger hook, complete swatch about 6" square in pat st; 4" square should = 17 sts or dc and 11 rows. Do not press swatch before measuring. TO SAVE TIME, TAKE TIME TO CHECK GAUGE.TO MAKE BACK, FRONTS, SLEEVES : Numbers on each diagram refer to step-by-step instructions.
FINISHING : Sew shoulder seams. Sew sleevees to armholes bet marks, then sew side and sleeve seams.
Edgings : With smaller hook, around entire body of cardigan and around cuffs work 1 round (rnd) sc, then 1 rnd p.
Sew on buttons, spacing them as per photo (openings in pat st serve as buttonholes).
1. Beg at lower edge, ch 90(98) sts + 3 to turn. Work in pat st (Diagram 1) for 5 rows, change to Dec Bd (diagram 2) for 5 rows, cont to work even in pat st.
2. Mark beg of armholes with bits of contrasting-color thread.
3. At each edge and on every row bind off :(A/B) 7 sts 4 times ;(C) 7 sts once and 8 sts 3 times.
4. Cont on one side only, leave 12 center sts unworked; on next row, at neck edge bind off 11 sts once (12 sts once). Complete 2nd side to correspond.
1. Beg at lower edge, ch 44 (52) sts + 3 to turn. Work in pat st for 5 rows, change to Dec Bd for 5 rows but start with 3 dc (instead of 1), cont to work even in pat st.
2. At arm edge, mark beg of armhole with bit of contrasting-color thread.
3. Work Dec Bd for 5 rows, but start wiih 3 dc (instead of 1).
4. At front edge and on every row, bind off : (A/B) 4 sts once, 3 sts twice, 2 sts twice and 1 st twice ; (C) 4 sts once, 3 sts 3 times, 2 sts 3 times and 1 st twice.
5. At shoulder edge and on every row, bind off: (A/B) 7 sts 4 times ; (C) 7 sts once and 8 sts 3 times.
Complete LEFT FRONT to corresp, but reverse all shapings.
1. Beg at cuff edge, ch 42 (46) sts + 3 to turn. Work in pat st for 5 rows, change to Dec Bd for 5 rows, then cont in pat st but at the same time, at each edge inc 1 st twice during first 4 pat st rows, complete Dec Bd, then inc at each edge and on every other row 1 st 19 times.
2. Fasten off.