Black cardigan with crochet motifs
Published: 12/01/10
Category: Cardigans
Hits: 7507
Size: 12/14
Materials: 600 g black (col 10) "Feeling" (35% cotton, 40% polyamide, 25% acrylic, mt = 90 m/50 g) from ONLINE.
One pair 7 mm needles, one 6 mm crochet hook ADDI. 2 buttons.
Stst: K on Rs, P on Ws.
Crochet motif: work foll crochet chart.
Materials: 600 g black (col 10) "Feeling" (35% cotton, 40% polyamide, 25% acrylic, mt = 90 m/50 g) from ONLINE.
One pair 7 mm needles, one 6 mm crochet hook ADDI. 2 buttons.
Stst: K on Rs, P on Ws.
Crochet motif: work foll crochet chart.
Start with 6 ch at the centre of motif, work rounds 1 - 7.
After the 5th round break yarn and join again for 6th round.
Tension stst: 16 sts and 24 rows to 10 cm square;
Tension stst: 16 sts and 24 rows to 10 cm square;
crochet motif: 19 cm square.
for the lower piece cast on 84 sts and twisted cast-on.
Cont in stst.
Wwm 37.5 cm = 90 rows cast off for armholes at each end of every alt row 3 sts once. 2 sts once and 1 st 5 times.
Wwm 40 cm = 96 rows cast off the 60 centre sts for yoke opening and cont for each side separately.
Wwm 43.5 cm = 104 rows cast off rem 2 sts.
For yoke work 2 crochet motifs, join them with 1 row dc.
Attach motifs foll line chart to yoke opening.
Left front: cast on for side piece 12 sts and twisted cast-on and cont in stst.
Left front: cast on for side piece 12 sts and twisted cast-on and cont in stst.
Wwm 37.5 cm = 90 rows shape armhole at right edge as given for back.
Wwm 43.5 cm = 104 rows cast off rem 2 sts.
For front piece work 3 crochet motifs, crochet motifs tog for a stripe.
Along lower edge of 1st motif crochet 2 cm = 2 rows tr, for 1 st tr on every row work 3 ch.
Attach this motif stripe foil line chart to side piece.
Right front: work in reverse.
Sleeves: for top piece cast on 61 sts and cont in stst.
Right front: work in reverse.
Sleeves: for top piece cast on 61 sts and cont in stst.
For trumpet shape dec 1 st at each end of every 4th row 4 times = 53 sts.
Wwm 6.5 cm = 16 rows inc for shaping 1 st at each end of every 8th row 4 times = 61 sts.
Wwm 24 cm = 58 rows cast off for sleeve top at each end of every alt row 2 sts 3 times. 1 st 13 times, 2 sts once.
Wwm 38 cm = 92 rows cast off rem 19 sts.
For lower piece work 2 crochet motifs, join motifs and attach to cast-on edge of top piece.
To make up: join shoulder seams over the outer 10 cm each.
To make up: join shoulder seams over the outer 10 cm each.
Sew sleeves in position, join side and sleeve seams.
Along front edges and neck edge crochet as foll:
1st row: dc.
2nd row: * 1 crab st (= dc from left to right), 1 ch, miss 1 dc, rep from *.
In right front band work 2 buttoning loops with 6 ch each.
Work 1st loop 19 cm from top edge, 2nd spaced 19 cm apart.
Sew on buttons.