Beige Bag

Published: 01/08/10
Category: Handbag
Hits: 8217
Beige Bag
MATERIAL: No.5 1/2 needles.
Metal crochet hook for yarn.
1. Bobble stitch.
2.4/2 rib stitch.
3. Tubular stitch.
4. Stocking stitch.
5. Chain stitch.
6. Single crochet stitch.
7. Slip stitch.
Cast on 51 st. and work in bobble St., incr. 1 st. each side in odd rows.
In even rows, work 3 st. into last st. increased.
When there are 108 St., cont straight in bobble St., without any more incr..
When work measures 17 cm., work the 8 centre st. in 4/2 rib St., beginning and ending with P 2, and incr. 6 st. in 4/2 rib st. every 2 rows by eliminating the bobble st., until all st. have been changed to 4/2 rib st.. 11 cm. after beginning of rib st., work 2 rows in tubular st. and cast off in same st. using darning needle.
Make another piece in same way.
Bands for straps: cast on 8 st. and work as follows: K 1, *K2 tog., yarn over needle* and K 1.
Cont. in stocking st. until there are 200 rows, and work 1 row as follows: K 2, *release next st. from needle, K 1*.
Cast off all st. straight (5 st.). Undo dropped st. down to first row.
Make 5 more bands in same way.
Make a braid with 3 bands to form the strap, leaving fringes at one end.
Make another braid with the other 3
bands for the other strap in same way.
Button: using crochet hook make button as follows: cast on 4 sts. in chain St., and end round with 1 slip st. worked in the first chain st.;
row 1: 1 chain st., 7 single st. inside ring, and end round with 1 slip st. worked in the first chain st.;
rows 2 and 3: 1 chain st., *2 single st. worked into 1 st., 1 single st. in next single st.*, and end round with 1 slip st. worked in first chain st. (18 st.);
row 4: 1 st. in chain st., 17 single st., then end round with 1 slip st. worked in first chain st.;
row 5: 1 st. in chain st., *skip 1 st. from base, 1 slip st.*; end round with 1 slip st. worked in the first chain st. (9 st.);
row 6: 1 chain st., "skip 1 st. from base, 1 single st.*. Insert padding.
FINISHING: place the 2 pieces wrong sides together and sew side and base seams.
Turn right side out.
Sew one strap to front panel as follows: taking one end, start at centre of rib st. panel and join all around flap and up the side and sew.
Do the same with other end, leaving fringes in centre as a tassel.
Work in same way on back panel.

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