Basic Crochet Stitches

Published: 19/06/10
Category: Crochet Stitches
Hits: 5977
Basic Crochet Stitches
Basic Single Crochet
Any number of sts, (add 1 for base chain)
1st row: Skip 2ch (count as 1sc), 1sc into next and each ch to end, turn.
2nd row: loh (counts as 1sc), skip 1 st, 1sc into next and each st to end working last st into tch, turn.
Rep 2nd row.
Basic Half Double Crochet
Any number of sts, (add t for base chain)
1st row: Skip 2ch (count as 1hdc), 1 hdc into next and each ch to end, turn.
2nd row: 2ch (count as 1hdc), skip 1 st, 1hdc into next and each st to end working last st into top of tch. turn.
Rep 2nd row.
Basic Double Crochet
Any number of sts, (add 2 for base chain)
1st row: Skip 3ch (count as tdc), 1dc into next and each ch to end. turn.
2nd row: 3ch (count as 1dc), skip 1 st, tdc into next and each st to end working last st into top of tch, turn.
Rep 2nd row.
Basic Trebles
Any number of sts, (add 3 for base chain)
1st row: Skip4ch (count as 1tr), 1tr into next and each ch to end, turn.
2nd row: 4ch (count as 1tr), skip 1 st, 1tr into next and each st to end, working last st into top of tch, turn.
Rep 2nd row.

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