Yoke Pullover in Diamond Pattern

Published: 20/02/19
Category: Pullovers
Hits: 4673
Yoke Pullover in Diamond Pattern

Size: M


Yarn: 400 g (70% Wool, 30% Silk, yardage = 140 m/50 g); quick knit needles sizes 3.5 and 4 mm (US 4 and 6).

Double Rib Pattern: 

With contrasting yarn, cast on half of the necessary number of sts. 

Row 1: With main yarn, work * K1, 1 yo, rep from *.

Row 2: * Work yo kwise, slip 1 st pwise, with yarn forward, rep from *. 

Row 3 and further rows: * K1, slip 1 st pwise, with yarn forward, rep from *.

Unravel contrasting yarn in finished piece.

Rib Patt 1/1: alt K1, P1.

Stocking stitch (St st): Work RS rows K and WS rows P.

Cable A (over 6 sts): 

Rows 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9: K6. 

2nd and all further even rows: P6. 

Row 11: 6-st LC (= slip 3 sts onto cn, hold at front, K3, then K3 from cn). 

Row 13: rep from Row 3.

Cable B (over 6 sts): 

Rows 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9: K6. 

2nd and all further even rows: P6. 

Row 11: 6-st RC (= slip 3 sts onto cn, hold at back, K3, then K3 from cn).

Row 13: rep from Row 3.

Diamond Pattern (over 16 sts): 

Work according to chart.


in St st: 24 sts and 32 rows = 10 x 10 cm.


With 3.5 mm needles, cast on 111 sts and work 4 rows in Double Rib Patt and 14 rows in Rib Patt 1/1. 

Cont with 4 mm needles in St st. Dec 18 sts evenly across first row. 

Dec 1 st twice each side every 12th row. 

Inc 1 st 3 times each side every 12th row. 

When piece measures 36 cm from cast on, for armhole shaping, at each end bind off 4 sts once and on every 2nd row 1 st 3 times.

When piece measures 54 cm from cast on, work 4 rows in Double Rib Patt over 49 center sts. Work rem sts as they appear. Then bind off those sts.

At the same time, at each end bind off outer 18 sts for shoulder.


Work like back, but after 21 cm from beg, bind off center 2 sts and complete both sides separately.

For neck slant, at inside edge dec 2 sts 22 times after first 3 sts and before last 3 sts on every 2nd row. 

When piece measures 36 cm from cast on, bind off rem 4 sts at each end.


With 4 mm needles cast on 5 sts and work P2, K1, P2.

Then inc 2 sts 42 times at each end on every 2nd row. Work sts in such way as to get foll pattern after incs: P3, 6 sts in Cable B, P3, 16 sts in Diamond Pattern, P3, 6 sts in Cable A, P3, 2 x (K1, P1), K1 (center st), 2 x (P2, K2), P3, 6 sts in Cable A, P3, 16 sts in Diamond Pattern, P3, 6 sts in Cable A, P3.  

After 14 cm (measure in the center), divide work in half and complete both parts separately. At the same time, inc 2 sts from center st on either side and work 3 edge sts on either side in Double Rib Pattern.

For armhole shaping, after 15 cm, dec 1 st 26 times after first 3 sts and before last 3 sts on every 2nd row.

When piece measures 32 cm from beg, bind off remaining 21 sts on either side for shoulders.


With 3.5 mm needles, cast on 71 sts and work 4 rows in Double Rib Patt and 22 rows in Rib Patt 1/1. 

Cont with 4 mm needles in St st. Dec 23 sts evenly across first row.

Sleeve Slants: Inc 1 st 12 times on every 10th row each side. 

Cap Shaping: When piece measures 45 cm from cast on, at each end bind off 4 sts once, then 1 st 12 times on every 2nd row. 

When piece measures 56 cm from cast on, bind off rem 40 sts.


Sew yoke to front. 

Sew shoulder seams. Sew sts on last row of each part of yoke to 18 edge sts of back. Sew 3 sts of each part of yoke worked in Double Rib Pattern to sts of back band worked in Double Rib Pattern. 

Sew side and sleeve seams. Set in sleeves.

pullover chart

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