V-neckline Cardigan

Published: 16/08/17
Category: Cardigans
Hits: 9504
V-neckline Cardigan

Size: 8/10 (US 6/8).


Yarn: 550 g (100% Acrylic); 1 pair knit needles size 5.5 mm (US 9); 5 buttons.

Garter st (gst): RS and WS rows K.

St st: K on RS rows, P on WS rows.

Fancy Pattern 1: Multiple of 10 + 1 + 2 selv sts.

Work according to chart.

Fancy Pattern 2:

Rows 1, 3 and 5 Knit.

Row 2 and all even rows Purl.

Row 7: K, * 1 yo, K2tog, rep from *.

Repeat from Row 1.

Gauge over Fancy Pattern 1: 16 sts = 10 cm.


Cast on 73 sts and work 6 rows (3 ridges) in garter st.

Cont in Fancy Pattern 1 acc to chart.

Armhole Shaping: When piece measures 38 cm from cast on (finish with 6th diamond), bind off 5 sts at each end = 63 sts.

Cont even over 20 cm and bind off all sts loosely. 

Right Front:

Cast on 38 sts and work 3 ridges in garter st.

Cont in Fancy Pattern 1 acc to corresponding chart.

Armhole Shaping: When piece measures 38 cm from cast on, bind off 5 sts on left side. 

When armhole meas 6 cm, beg neckline from diamond edge acc to chart = 16 decs.  

When piece measures 20 cm from armhole beg, bind off 17 sts each side for shoulders.

Work the other front in reverse. Beg Fancy Pattern as for back and end with K2. 

Neckline Decrease: Work acc to corresponding chart. Work skpo (= slip 1 kwise, K1, psso) instead of K2tog.


Cast on 35 sts and work 3 ridges in garter st. 

Cont in Fancy Pattern 2 as described above. For sleeve slants, at each end inc 1 st 10 times on every 8th row (= 55 sts). 

Cap Shaping: After 50 cm from cast on, at beg of row bind off 5 sts 4 times at each end, then bind off rem 15 sts.


Sew shoulder seams. Sew side and sleeve seams throughout the length, leaving 3 cm at the top open. 

Sew in sleeves aligning the sleeve centre with shoulder seam. Sew 3 open cm of sleeve and 5 closed sts of armhole tog shaping right angle.

Band Shaping: Pick up 89 sts along right front edge, work 4 rows in gst and bind off P.

Pick up 119 sts along left front and back neckline edge and work the same. 

Work 5 buttonholes on right band. Sew buttons on left band.

 cardigan chart

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