Summer Tunic with Leaf Pattern

Published: 02/05/16
Category: Tunics
Hits: 8747
Summer Tunic with Leaf Pattern

Sizes: 8/10 (US 6/8)


Yarn: 300 g (100% Cotton, 250 m/100 g); one pair quick knit needles size 3 mm (US 2,5) and crochet hook size 3 mm (US C). 

Reverse stocking stitch (rev st st): Work RS rows P; WS rows K.

Garter stitch: Knit on RS and WS rows.

Leaf Pattern 1: 

Work according to chart 1. Only RS rows are shown.

On WS rows work all sts as they appear, purl yos.

Work Rows 1 - 22 once, then repeat Rows 11 - 22 throughout.

Leaf Pattern 2:

Work according to chart 2. Only RS rows are shown.

On WS rows work all sts as they appear, purl yos.

Work Rows 1 - 34 once. 


over rev st st: 25 sts and 20 rows = 10 x 10 cm.


Cast on 146 sts and work 133 rows as foll: selv st, * 12 sts in rev st st, 21 sts in Leaf Patt 1, rep from * 3 times more, 12 sts in rev st st, selv st.  

For narrowing of width on every 18th row, dec 1 stitch 5 times at each side of rev st st stripes = 96 sts. 

On row 133 from beg, dec 1 stitch in each section of rev st st strip = 91 sts. 

Next, work 14 rows in Garter st.

From Row 148 from beg, cont as foll: selv st, 8 sts in rev st st, * 3 sts in Leaf Patt 2 (from arrow A to B), 7 sts in rev st st, rep from * 7 times more, P1, selv st. 

Armhole Shaping: On Row 198 from beg, bind off 4 sts at each end and 2 sts every other row twice = 75 sts.  

Neck Shaping: On Row 141 from beg, bind off center 23 sts and 1 stitch 5 times on every 2nd row at both neck edges. 

On Row 262 from beg, bind off rem 21 shoulder sts on either side.

Front: Work same as back. 

Rows 148 - 186: selv st, 8 sts in rev st st, 33 sts in Leaf Patt 2, 8 sts in rev st st, selv st.

Row 187: work center 23 sts in Garter st, cont remaining sts in pattern.

Row 188: work center 25 sts in Garter st, cont remaining sts in pattern.

Row 190: work center 27 sts in Garter st, cont remaining sts in pattern.

Row 192: work center 29 sts in Garter st, cont remaining sts in pattern.

Row 194: work center 31 sts in Garter st, cont remaining sts in pattern.

Row 196: work center 33 sts in Garter st, cont remaining sts in pattern.

Armhole Shaping: bind off all sts as for back.  

Neck Shaping: On Row 198 from beg, bind off center 23 sts and 1 stitch 5 times on every 2nd row at both neck edges.

On Row 262 from beg, bind off rem 21 shoulder sts on either side.


Join shoulder and side seams. 

Work 1 rnds double crochet around armholes.

Join row with sl st to first st.

tunic chart

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