Size: 12/14
Yarn: 300 g (55% Cotton, 45% Acrylic, 217 m/50 g) col Turquoise; 1 pair quick knit needles size 2 mm and crochet hook size 2 mm.
Cast on 121 sts and work in pat acc to chart 1, work back without Bobbles.
For the Armhole Shaping, after 38 cm from beg, bind off at each end of every RS row 3 sts once, 2 sts twice, 1 st twice.
Then work even until armhole measures 17 cm.
For the Neck Shaping bind off the center 16 sts and working both sides at once, bind off from each neck edge of foll alt row 3 sts twice, 2 sts twice and 1 st 3 times.
When armhole measures 20 cm, bind off rem sts each side for shoulders.
Work as for Back, work Bobbles foll chart.
Then work even until armhole measures 14 cm.
For the Neck Shaping bind off the center 15 sts and working both sides at once, bind off from each neck edge of foll alt row 3 sts once, 2 sts once and 1 st 8 times.
When armhole measures 20 cm, bind off rem sts each side for shoulders.
Cast on 82 sts and work 1 row in St st.
Work 1 yarn over on the next row after every 8th st.
Work even 3 cm more.
For Cap-Shaping, at each end of alt rows, bind off 2 sts once and 1 st in foll rows.
When cap measures 15 cm, bind off rem sts.
Set in sleeves, sew side and sleeve seams.
Make a crochet chain of 28 cm long, then rejoin at the center of neck front, crochet 1 row sс (single crochet) around neck edge and make another 28 cm crochet chain.
Crochet border around ties and neck foll chart 2.