Yarn: 340 g (100% Wool, 300 m per 100 g ball); one pair quick knit needles and one circular needle, both size US 2,5 (3 mm).
Rib Pattern: K1, P1 Rib.
Fancy pattern:
Work according to chart. Only RS rows are shown.
On WS rows, work all sts as they appear, yos P.
Repeat Rows 1-40 thoughout.
Gauge: 29 sts and 32 rows = 10 x 10 cm.
Cast on 133 sts and work 1 WS row purl.
This row is not observed in foll calculations.
Then work 118 rows even in Fancy pattern, repeat Rows 1-2 of chart 2 times.
Armhole Shaping: In Row 119 from border, bind off 4 sts at each end, then on every 2nd row 3 sts once, 2 sts once and 1 st twice = 111 sts.
In Row 69 from beg armhole, bind off all sts.
Front: Work same as back.
Neckline Shaping: In Row 42 from beg armhole, bind off center 17 sts, then on every 2nd row 4 sts once, 3 sts once, 2 sts twice, 1 st twice at both neck edges.
In Row 186 from border, bind off rem 34 shoulder sts on either side.
Cast on 93 sts and work 1 WS row purl.
This row is not observed in foll calculations.
Then work 46 rows even in Fancy pattern, repeat Rows 1-2 of chart 2 times.
Cap Shaping: In Row 47 from border, bind off 5 sts at each end, then on every 2nd row 3 sts once, 2 sts 4 times, 1 st 17 times, 3 sts 3 times.
In Row 53 from beg Cap Shaping, bind off remaining 9 sts.
Sew shoulder seam.
Sew in sleeves, join side and sleeve seams.
Collar: With RS facing and circular needle, pick up and K112 sts evenly around neck edge and work 46 rows in Pib Pattern.
Then bind off all sts in pat.
Fold collar in half to WS and sew in place.