Pullover with Lace Hearts Pattern

Published: 28/12/23
Category: Pullovers
Hits: 1379
Pullover with Lace Hearts Pattern

Pullover with Lace Hearts Pattern

Size: 10 (US 8)


Yarn: 500 g (55% Cotton, 45% Acrylic, yardage = 165 m/50 g); one pair quick knit needles and one circular needle, both size 3,5mm (US 4).

Garter stitch (gst): Knit on RS and WS rows.

Garter stitch in Rnd: On odd-numbered rnds knit all sts, on even-numbered rnds purl all sts.

Stockinette stitch (St st): work RS rows K and WS rows P.

Lace Hearts Pattern:

Work according to chart. The chart shows only Right Side rows.

On Wrong Side rows, purl all sts.

Work Rows 1 - 26 once, then repeat Rows 23-26 throughout.

On even-numbered rnds knit all sts.


Cast on 80 sts and work 6 rows in garter st.

Continue as follows: 1 edge st, 5 sts in Stockinette stitch, 68 sts in Lace Hearts Pattern (work 17-st rep 4 times), 5 sts in Stockinette stitch, 1 edge st.

After the 18th row of Lace Pattern, work in Stockinette stitch.

After 30 cm from beg, for the Raglan Armhole shaping, bind off at each end 3 sts, then on every 2nd row 1 st = 36 sts.

When the piece measures 40 cm from beg, place all sts on the holder.


Cast on 80 sts and work 6 rows in garter st.

Then distribute all sts as for back.

Work Rows 1 - 26 once, then repeat Rows 23-26 throughout.

After 30 cm from beg, shape Raglan as given for Back, place remaining 36 sts on holder.


Cast on 46 sts and work 6 rows in garter st.

Continue as follows: 1 edge st, 5 sts in Stockinette stitch, 34 sts in Lace Hearts Pattern (work 17-st rep twice), 5 sts in Stockinette stitch, 1 edge st.

After the 18th row of Lace Pattern, work 2 rows in garter st.

Continue as follows: 1 edge st, 13 sts in St st, 5 sts in Lace Pattern (Rows 23-26), 8 sts in St st, 5 sts in Lace Pattern (Rows 23-26), 13 sts in St st, 1 edge st. 

At the same time, for sleeve shaping, at both ends, increase 1 st every 8th row 10 times and 1 st every 6th row.

After 45 cm from beg, shape Raglan as given for Back.

When the piece measures 55 cm from beg, place all sts on the holder.


Place the sts on the holder to circular needle as follows: 32 sts for left Sleeve, 36 sts for Front,32 sts for right Sleeve, 36 sts for Back = 136 sts.

Work Yoke in round.

Work 4 rows in garter st.

Continue in Lace Hearts Pattern.

For the Raglan Shaping, decrease on every 2nd row 1 st.

On Row 15 of Lace Pattern between the hearts, knit 2 stitches together (knit together the 1st and 17th st of the chart). 

On Row 17 of Lace Pattern, above 2 stitches knitted together, work Central Double Decrease: slip first and second stitches together as if to knit, knit 1 stitch, pass two slipped stitches over the knit stitch

Then work 6 rnds in garter st and bind off all stitches.

Sew raglan sleeve seams. Sew side and sleeve seams.

pullover chart

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