Pullover with Diamonds and Cables

Published: 29/09/17
Category: Pullovers
Hits: 7127
Pullover with Diamonds and Cables

pulloverSizes: 10/12 (US 6/8).


Yarn: 600 g (70% Acrylic, 30% Wool, yardage = 166 m/100 g); 1 pair quick knit needles size 6 mm (US 10).

Rib Patt: Foll Chart 1. 

Diamonds & Cables Pattern: Foll Chart 2. 

Gauge over Rib Pattern: 24 sts and 23 rows = 10 x 10 сm.

Arrows in pattern indicate how pieces are worked. 


Cast on 80 sts and work 9 cm in Rib Patt acc to chart 1. Inc 16 sts evenly across last row = 96 sts. 

Cont these 96 sts in Diamonds & Cables Pattern acc to chart 2 and back chart. 

When piece measures 44 cm from cast on, for armhole shaping, bind off 5 sts once at each end. 

When piece measures 60 cm from cast on, bind off rem 86 sts. Put piece aside. 

Front: Same as back. 


Cast on 46 sts and work 9 cm in Rib Patt acc to chart 1. Inc 14 sts evenly across last row = 60 sts.  

Cont these 60 sts in Diamonds & Cables Pattern acc to chart 2 and sleeve chart. 

When piece measures 35 cm from cast on, for armhole shaping, at each end bind off 5 sts once and on every 2nd row 1 st 5 times.

When piece measures 55 cm from cast on, bind off rem 40 sts. 

Rep for other sleeve. 


Sew side seams (44 cm each side) leaving 16 cm open for armholes. 

Sew left shoulder seam (10 cm). Leave right shoulder open for convenience of working band.

Pick up 100 sts evenly around neck edge and work 4 rows in Rib Patt acc to chart 1. Then bind off all sts as they appear.

Join right shoulder seam (10 cm) and sew neckband.  

Sew sleeve seams and set in sleeves. 

pullover chart

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