Pullover with Center Pattern

Published: 13/12/18
Category: Pullovers
Hits: 5538
Pullover with Center Pattern

pulloverSize: M


300 g of green half-wool yarn; 1 pair quick knit needles and one circular needle, both size 2.5 mm (US 1.5); double-pointed needles size 2.5 mm (US 1.5). 

Garter stitch: Work RS rows and WS rows K. 


Consists of 5 pieces, main hexagon and four edges.


Work acc to сhart 1. Only odd-numbered rows and 1/6th part are shown .

On even rows, work all sts as they appear.  

Work 6 parts like that for full hexagon (see chart).

For hexagon, cast on 18 sts and beg to work with dpn in rnds.  

Change to circular needle as number of sts increases.


The center hole will look better if you wind a few turns of the thread on your finger and work 8 sc (single crochet) with crochet hook.  

Cont to work with needles: 1 st + 1 yo, and so on until there are 18 sts. 

Work 68 rows. 

Then bind off sts of 3rd and 6th parts (lateral sides).


Work 4 rem parts separately (acc to charts 2 and 3). On each row, dec sts as foll: 3 sts at one end, 1 st at other end.  

Work sts of 1st part acc to chart 2 (right side).

Work sts of 2nd part acc to chart 3 (left side).

Work sts of 4th part acc to chart 2 (right side).

Work sts of 5th part acc to chart 3 (left side).

Rectangle measures around 40 x 50 cm. 

Work second piece in same way.


Work sleeves in rnds acc to chart 4, where one part is shown.

Work 6 parts for full sleeve (see chart).

Cast on 18 sts and beg to work with dpn in rnds.  

Change to circular needle as number of sts increases.

Work 32 rows and bind off all sts. 


Sew side seams leaving 17 cm open for sleeves.  

Sew one shoulder seam. 

For band, pick up sts (1 ch = 1 st) along bottom edge and neckline. Work 10 rows in gst.  

Sew other shoulder seam. 

Sew sleeves to side edges of body. Leave center sides open.

For band, pick up sts along bottom edge of sleeve. Work 10 rows in gst.  

Sew corner seams (see photo).

jpgChart 1, 2, 3 and pattern

jpgChart 4

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